Audiobooks Rosie's Book Team Review Writing

#TuesdayBookBlog #Audiobook ‘I Love Your Cupcakes’ now available in audio. Would you like a complimentary copy? Just ask! And, if you blog about books on Tuesdays, you might be interested in this.

Hi all:

Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while will remember that I have featured audiobooks before and also talked about the possibility of using ACX to create an audiobook version of your book (if you’re a writer. Or if you are a narrator you can also advertise your services there. See here my previous post).

Since I wrote that post, I’ve been lucky enough to have been picked up by Marie and Tim O’Dell at Red Rose audiobooks, and the fantastic Gwyn Olson has narrated my book. And now, is live!

I Love Your Cupcakes, audio with Gwyn Olson as narrator
I Love Your Cupcakes, audio with Gwyn Olson as narrator

A reminder of what the book is about:

Dulce, Adelfa and Storm, the protagonists of I Love Your Cupcakes are business partners, friends and share some “interesting” family connections. All the men Dulce meets only want to talk about her cakes and she’s tired of it. Her friend Adelfa, although she’s a Chemistry Professor, can’t manage to find the recipe for the perfect relationship. And Storm, the third of the partners of their bakery/coffee shop/bookshop/art gallery and ex-fire station, is an artist who is not a master in the art of love. How could they imagine that at the studio of the contest “Do You Have What it Takes to Be the Next Baking Star?” they’d find sexual harassment, cheats, fights and also love? Recipes included (only for cakes, not love!)

Tag line: I Love Your Cupcakes is a “sweet” romance, a virtual fantasy high in calories and a fun adventure. Dare to give it a bite!

Here the links:


You can get a sample at all the links mentioned but also here in Sound Cloud.

ACX always provides complimentary codes for Audible (although if you’ve never bought an audiobook through them, you have the first one FREE). At the time of writing this I have received codes for the site and have requested some for (that I hope they send me. They have done in the past). If you’d liked to get one, please leave me a comment and I’ll need your e-mail address (normally WordPress provides that for people leaving comments, although it doesn’t always work). And I’d be very grateful if you found it in your heart to leave a review once you’ve heard it. And feel free to share this post with anybody who might be interested.

By the way, do you prefer this modified cover, or the original one?

I Love Your Cupcakes by Olga Núñez Miret. Cover by Lourdes Vidal
I Love Your Cupcakes by Olga Núñez Miret. Cover by Lourdes Vidal

And, this is especially for all of you BLOGGERS and REVIEWERS who blog about books and writing. I’ve mentioned before that now I’m a proud member of Rosie’s Book Review Team. Rosie and her collaborators have been exploring the use of HASHTAGS especially in Twitter, and now have a new tag for those of us who blog about books. It is: #TuesdayBookBlog.

RBRT (1)

A bit more on the subject of tags, from Rosie’s mouth (or pen):

Most Twittering bloggers know about the benefits of ‘blog share’ days; it all started with Rachel Thompson and her fabulously successful #MondayBlogs.  Now, there is also #wwwblogs on Wednesday (Wednesday women writers), #SundayBlogShare, #ArchiveDay on Saturday, and probably others, too.

Since Rachel started #MondayBlogs, she’s been battling against people using it for book promotion; her view is that you have six other days of the week to promote your books, but #MondayBlogs is about the writing itself ~ in other words, blog posts about anything other than your book!  She now states that there should be no book promotion of any sort on #MondayBlogs, not even third party reviews, which is understandable as there are so many ways in which her guidelines can be abused.

Because there are so many avid readers, writers and book bloggers who understand the benefit of blog share days, Rosie Amber’s Book Review Team is introducing a new hashtag on Tuesdays, for book posts only: #TuesdayBookBlog.  The first day this will be used is Tuesday, November 3rd.

As anyone who starts a hashtag knows, the main difficulty involved is dealing with ‘hashtag abuse’ ~ tweeters who spot a popular hashtag and add it to any tweet, whether relevant or not.  We will do our best to limit this; please feel free to point someone in the right direction if you see this happening.

So what are the guidelines for #TuesdayBookBlog?

DO post:

Blog posts only!

Book reviews ~ either for your own books, or other people’s, or book reviews you’ve written on your blog.

Author Interviews ~ yours or others’.

Cover reveals ~ yours or others’.

Upcoming/new releases ~ yours or others.

Articles or guest posts about books/writers ~ you/yours or others’.

DO NOT post:

Anything that isn’t a blog post

Blog posts that aren’t about books/writers.


Blatant promotion of an existing publication that isn’t a proper article – in other words, we don’t want to see a blog post that consists of nothing but the cover of your book, Amazon blurb and buy links.  This was one of the ways in which #MondayBlogs was abused, after people were told they couldn’t use the hashtag for tweets with Amazon links.

To get the most out of #TuesdayBookBlog:

Retweet others on the hashtag and spread the word.  Hashtags work best when you do your bit, too.

The power of Twitter is in the retweet, more than the tweet.  Hashtag retweets are never guaranteed, but do remember that the more you do, the more you are likely to get back.

We hope you will achieve good results from #TuesdayBookBlog, and look forward to seeing you there!

Thanks to Rosie for her hard work to promote books, thanks to the team behind the audio, and thanks to you all for reading. Remember to like, share, comment and if you want, CLICK. Ah, let me know if you’re interested in a code to download the audio, and don’t forget to use the tag #TuesdayBookBlog if appropriate. 





Conocéis a algún narrador o productor de libros en audio? Y qué os parecen los audiobooks? ACX, audiobooks y un proyecto.

Hola a todos:

Como recordaréis hace unos meses os comenté que uno de mis libros en inglés Escaping Psychiatry (Una vez psiquiatra en versión española) estaba por fin a la venta en audio.

Escaping Psychiatry audio. Cover by Ernesto Valdés, narration by Alan Cooke
Escaping Psychiatry audio. Portada de Ernesto Valdés, narración de Alan Cooke

La historia de cómo creé este audio es un poco especial. Lo cierto es que no sé que os parecen los audios a vosotros. Yo en mi vida he escuchado unos cuantos, tanto de ficción como de otros temas, varios educacionales, y aunque me han parecido interesantes, me gusta mucho  leer así que…

Hace un tiempo hay muchos artículos sobre los audios, diciendo que representan el futuro (no sé), que el mercado no está tan saturado como de libros (en papel y electrónicos. Eso es cierto). Yo me metí en eso porque conocí a Alan Cooke a través de Facebook. Él es un actor, escritor y director que ha ganado un Emmy, y que se dedica, entre otras cosas, a crear y compartir versiones en audio de sus propios libros y de obras muy conocidas, que me encantan. Una autora y buena amiga mía, Martie Preller, acababa de publicar una colección de relatos The Seventh Sheep (sería la Séptima Oveja, si lo que contáis al iros a dormir son ovejas, o corderos, como queráis) y me pareció que quedarían muy bien en audio. Le encargué a Alan que le pusiera voz a uno (el que da título a la historia) y me gustó tanto que lo hizo a todos. A Martie le encantaron también, y me entró la curiosidad por oir la versión en audio de una de las historias de Una vez psiquiatra que estaba preparando para publicación. Y naturalmente, al final no nos paramos en una historia e hicimos todo el libro. (Por cierto, si os gustan las historias en inglés, las de The Seventh Sheep no están a la venta por dificultades técnicas pero las podéis escuchar en el blog de Martie, aquí).

Distribuir un libro en audio no es tan fácil como un libro electrónico. En aquella época (y creo que no ha cambiado mucho) ACX (hoy en día una empresa de Amazon) era la que se dedicaba a distribuir a las compañías más importantes (Amazon y i-Tunes de Apple). Pero si no eras residente en los Estados Unidos o tenías una cuenta bancaria allí, por cuestiones de impuestos no podías distribuir tu propio audio. Podías crear uno a través de sus servicios, pero a mí que ya había pagado el mío, no me servía esa opción. Les envié un correo y me contestaron que planeaban expanderse y que me tendrían al tanto. Y efectivamente, en Abril de este año me informaron de que aceptaban proyectos del Reino Unido. El proceso fue de lo más simple, ya que habíamos seguido los pasos que recomiendan para la creación de un audio, y ni siquiera hace falta crear una cuenta específica si ya tienes cuenta con Amazon.

Aquí os dejo los enlaces por si os apetece echarle un vistazo:

En Amazon:

En i-Tunes:

Por si os apetece escuchar una muestra, aquí os dejo el enlace a un video con un fragmento de narración de la primer historia ‘Cannon Fodder’ (Carne de cañón):

Las ventas…No he roto ningún record del Guinness, pero considerando que lo he promocionado poco y que solo está a la venta desde Junio, ha vendido más que el libro en otros formatos, aunque como los demás las ventas suben y bajan.

Con respecto a las promociones, no hay opción como en KDP a darlo gratuito (es costoso enviar ficheros tan gordos) pero sí que Audible envía una serie de códigos de regalo (normalmente 25, y cuando yo los pedí me enviaron 25 para .com y 25 para que podéis usar para promocionar. Y si alguien no es cliente de Audible, el primer audio les sale gratuíto (y si tenéis la suerte de ser el autor de uno de estos libros os dan un  bono de $50. De momento solo me ha pasado una vez, pero se todo se agradece).

En ACX, aparte de poder subir un audio que hayáis creado vosotros mismos (y mucha gente hace sus propias narraciones. Hay muchos consejos sobre cómo hacerlo, pero sobre todo os recomiendo que sigáis las pautas que ellos recomiendan para no tener problemas luego), también podéis buscar un narrador y/o productor y crear vuestro proyecto con ellos, y también tenéis la opción de ofrecer vuestro libro como proyecto de audio para narradores y productores a los que le pueda interesar, a cambio de la mitad de las regalías (o derechos de autor).

He decidido probar suerte con mi novela I Love Your Cupcakes (Me encantan tus cupcakes). Así que si conocéis a algún (preferentemente alguna) narrador/a o productor/a a quién le pueda interesar, o me podéis recomendar a alguien, ya lo sabéis.  Os dejo el enlace al proyecto, por si acaso:

I Love Your Cupcakes (Me encantan tus cupcakes) de Olga Núñez Miret. Portada de Lourdes Vidal
I Love Your Cupcakes (Me encantan tus cupcakes) de Olga Núñez Miret. Portada de Lourdes Vidal

¡Gracias por leer, y si os ha interesado, ya sabéis, dadle al me gusta, comentad, compartid, y haced CLIC! Y si conocéis a alguien, pasadle al información. (Y si se os da bien el inglés y os apetece uno de los audios de regalo…pues decídmelo).


What do you think of audiobooks? Do you know any narrators? ACX, audios and a Cupcake project.

Hi all:

I don’t know what you think about audiobooks. Over the years I’ve listened to some, fiction and non-fiction but probably love reading so much that I’d miss it. But the best audiobooks can be amazing.

I have had one of my books turned into an audiobook. Escaping Psychiatry.


Escaping Psychiatry audio. Cover by Ernesto Valdés, narration by Alan Cooke
Escaping Psychiatry audio. Cover by Ernesto Valdés, narration by Alan Cooke

The process how it became an audio was not your usual way (this being me). I met Alan Cooke, an Emmy Award winning writer, actor and director, through Facebook, and became fascinated by his work, films, videos, and also his readings and audios, both of his own books and of well-known stories. Another writer and good friend of mine, Martie Preller, had published a book of short tales/stories, The Seventh Sheep, and I thought they would sound fantastic narrated by Alan. It first started with one of the stories, but I liked it so much that as a surprise, I got the four stories done for her. The results were amazing although due to technical difficulties (and the peculiarities of the system) it is not on sale as an audio. But you can listen to them in Martie’s blog, here.  Then I thought I’d like to have one of the stories of Escaping Psychiatry in audio format, and one thing let to another.

One of the difficulties at that time was that ACX (now owned by Amazon) was the main option to distribute audios to the big players, including Amazon and Apple’s i-Tunes. And unfortunately you needed to be a resident in the US (for tax reasons) to be able to distribute your audio through ACX. And I wasn’t. I queried this, and in April this year they e-mailed me to let me know that now residents in the UK could also use their services, and I did. Having followed their instructions into how to record the audio, downloading it wasn’t a problem and it all went pretty smoothly. (You don’t even need to have a separate account with ACX if you already have one with Amazon.)

Here are the links in Amazon:

And i-Tunes:

Just in case you fancy a sample, this is a video I created sharing some of the narration of the first story:

Most of the posts about audiobooks suggest they are up and coming, they are going to boom soon, and the market is not as saturated as it is for either paper or e-books. Yet.

Although you don’t have access to promotions KDP style, and the prices are higher due to technical constraints, Audible sends you up to 25 free codes (in my case I got some for .com and that you can use to promote the audio, and if somebody is not already an Audible Client, they get the first audiobook free (and you have a bonus if this happens with one of your audios, or $50).

What has my audiobook done so far? Well, I can’t say it’s been a roaring success, although it has sold more (especially considering that I haven’t promoted it much and it has only been on sale from June) than the actual book, and I got one of the bonus sales. The sales pattern seems similar to standard books. It peaks when it is new on sale and then it goes down.

In the case of my audiobook I got it done and paid for it myself. You can do the same through ACX too, rather than having to find your own by your own means. But ACX offers  you the chance of posting your book as a project and then partnering with a narrator/producer, and splitting up the royalties. That shares both the risks and the benefits. Of course, depending on the interest generated you might get many offers or not.

I’ve decided to give it a go, and here is my project for I Love Your Cupcakes.

I Love Your Cupcakes by Olga Núñez Miret. Cover by Lourdes Vidal
I Love Your Cupcakes by Olga Núñez Miret. Cover by Lourdes Vidal

If you know any voice artists, narrators or producers who might be interested (or you do narrations), or you can recommend somebody, let me know!

Ah, and I still have some of the free codes for my Escaping Psychiatry audio, so if you’d like one…just ask. If many people are interested…I’ll think of something!


Una vez psiquiatra en audio (de momento solo en inglés). GRATIS!

Hola amigos:

Algunos de vosotros sabréis que hace tiempo que llevaba intentando publicar un libro en formato audio, pero he tenido dificultades. A través de Facebook conocí a un actor, escritor  y director, Alan Cooke (Wild Irish Poet ) y él se dedica a dar clases de narración y voz y a crear audios, de sus propias obras y de las de otros. Así que le encargué que le pusiera voz a una de las historias de Una vez psiquiatra, ‘Carne de cañón’. Me gustó mucho y como decidí publicar las tres historias en un solo libro me pareció una buena oportunidad para tener la grabación del libro entero. El proceso es complicado, como os podéis imaginar, y llevó tiempo. Y cuando todo estuvo acabado, descubrí que ACX, la compañía que es la mayor distribuidora de audios (y los distribuye a través de Audible y iTunes) no aceptaba audios a menos que fueras residente en los Estados Unidos. Como sabéis yo vivo en Inglaterra (y Alan en Irlanda). Investigué otras opciones de distribución, pero aparte de hacerlo uno mismo y aunque no imposible me pareció mucho tinglado para solo un audio, no parecía haber mucho más. Envié un correo electrónico a ACX que me comentaron que estaban explorando una expansión, y en Abril me enviaron un correo diciéndome que ahora aceptaban audios del Reino Unido, siempre y cuando la cuestión de los impuestos estuviese solucinada (yo después de mucho investigar tengo un ITIN, pero os prometo que os hablaré de esto con más calma en otro momento. Es un pelín complicado). Justo recibí su correo cuando estaba a punto de marcharme a España y no tuve ocasión de hacer nada más, pero cuando volví, descargué el audio en ACX y a esperar. Hacen controles de calidad y eso tarda de 4 a 6 semanas. Luego si les parece que está bien todo (tienen instrucciones sobre el formato, las características de la grabación, etc, que hay que seguir) y tú apruebas el audio, al cabo de un día o dos te envían un mensaje, y ala, listo!

He leído muchos artículos que dicen que los audios son el futuro. No sé. Desde luego hay muchos menos que libros en otros formatos (de momento), aunque parece que aparte de usar los medios que siempre usamos para promocionarnos, no hay demasiadas avenidas muy específicas.

ACX le envía al autor códigos de descarga gratuita (en mi caso en, aunque les pedí que me enviaran códigos para .com también y lo hicieron) para que los use como promoción, para sortear, o ofrecer a cambio de reseña, etc.

También tienes la ventaja con Audible que si alguien no tiene una cuenta, te ofrecen el primer audiolibro de prueba gratis (y al autor si alguien escoge tu libro para que sea descarga gratuita te ofrecen un bono de $50. Aún no me ha pasado pero…).

De momento, y aunque hace muy poco que está a la venta, se está vendiendo mejor que en otros formatos. No es decir mucho, pero nunca se sabe. (Por supuesto el coste de hacer un Audiolibro es importante. ACX ofrece la opción de presentar tu proyecto a otros, escoger un narrador, e ir a medias con él o ella en las ganancias. Esta opción obvia el problema de ser o no residente en los Estados Unidos o UK, ya que del proyecto se encarga ACX). Por si os interesa saber más, esta es la página de ACX:

Y como sé que algunos de vosotros habláis inglés, por si acaso os dejo la información sobre el audio. Estoy planteándome cómo usar los códigos de promoción, así que os mantendré informados, porque sé que algunos de vosotros domináis el inglés.

Escaping Psychiatry (audiobook) by Olga Núñez Miret. Narrated by Alan Cooke
Escaping Psychiatry (audiobook) by Olga Núñez Miret. Narrated by Alan Cooke

‘Escaping Psychiatry’ has it all: intriguing characters, noir style, thrilling pursuits, dangerous situations, crime, serial killers, religion, family secrets, murder, psychological insights, mental illness, trauma, debates about prejudice and morality, heated trials, police investigations, corruption, and mystery. If you enjoy ‘Wire in the Blood’, ‘Cracker’ and ‘Lie to Me’ and you are not scared of going deeper and darker, dare to keep listening.

Narrated by Emmy Award Winner Actor, Writer and Director Alan Cooke (a.k.a. Wild Irish Poet this audio version makes the character live and will hook you from the very beginning.
‘Escaping Psychiatry’ is a collection of three stories with the same protagonist, Mary, a psychiatrist and writer. She is trying to develop her literary career but circumstances and friends conspire to keep dragging her back to psychiatry.
In ‘Cannon Fodder’, Phil, a lawyer who and Mary’s friend asks her to provide a report on one of his clients, a young African-American man called Cain White. Cain is a very religious man and has been accused of inciting a riot at a religious meeting. He says he can hear God’s voice. He insists that God is black and his appears to be a Black Nationalist message. Is Cain insane, deluded, misguided, looking for media-attention, or a Saint? To find an answer to these questions Mary talks to his family and friends. Although she concludes he is sane,Mary’s investigation uncovers some very damaging revelations about his family life, beliefs and local attitudes. Who is a saint and who is a sinner is a matter for debate. The more Mary gets involved in the lives of Cain and those close to him the more she realises how dangerous secrets are. Like time-bombs ready to set off any minute.
‘Teamwork’: Captain Tom McLeod, from the San Francisco Police Department, invites Mary for a meal at home with his wife. When she meets their other guest, a young detective called Justin, she quickly realises there is an agenda well beyond a friendly meal. Justin’s partner, mentor and father figure, Sgt David Leaman, was killed a couple of months earlier during a routine investigation. Justin witnessed the event but he insists in going back to work and refusing any therapy or counselling. Tom and others at the department are concerned about his mental state but have failed to convince him to accept professional help. Both Mary and Justin are reluctant to engage in the ambush/informal consultation organised, but eventually decide to give it a try. At first sight it appears to be a straight forward case of unresolved grief, but things aren’t as clear-cut as they appear and Mary ends up getting too personally involved with the case, to the detriment of her professional objectivity.
In ‘Memory’, Mary runs out of her apartment after a difficult encounter with her friend Phil, and goes missing. When she is found it seems that she was hit in the head, abducted, raped and she is suffering from amnesia. She never recovers memory for the assault and finds it difficult to come to terms with something she cannot recall.  The clues point towards a serial killer who could not finish his job in her case. But some things do not fit in. Who disturbed the killer? Why was she left there? The crime and the investigation surrounding it have a profound impact on Mary who decides that she needs to reconsider her life and start anew.
The epilogue revisits Mary at the point of the trial of her abductor and sees what changes have taken place in her life. Will she finally manage to Escape Psychiatry?
Although these stories are fictional, the author, a forensic psychiatrist, brings her expertise and insight to the material, lifting it above a standard crime caper.





En Amazon:

Y el video que hice con una muestra del audio:

Gracias por leer, y ya sabéis, si os ha interesado dadle al me gusta,  compartid, haced CLIC, y si queréis uno gratis, comentad! 


Escaping Psychiatry in audio. Sample and possibility of a FREE copy!

Hi all:

I know I’ve been talking about the audio for my book Escaping Psychiatry for a long time. That is because although the recording took place last year (go and meet great actor, writer, and director Alan Cooke (Wild Irish Poet) I nearly forgot to add he won an Emmy) the distribution proved a bit complicated, although now that ACX is accepting audios from the UK I finally managed to get it out there and available.

Let me tell  you a bit about it:

Escaping Psychiatry (audiobook) by Olga Núñez Miret. Narrated by Alan Cooke
Escaping Psychiatry (audiobook) by Olga Núñez Miret. Narrated by Alan Cooke

‘Escaping Psychiatry’ has it all: intriguing characters, noir style, thrilling pursuits, dangerous situations, crime, serial killers, religion, family secrets, murder, psychological insights, mental illness, trauma, debates about prejudice and morality, heated trials, police investigations, corruption, and mystery. If you enjoy ‘Wire in the Blood’, ‘Cracker’ and ‘Lie to Me’ and you are not scared of going deeper and darker, dare to keep listening.

Narrated by Emmy Award Winner Actor, Writer and Director Alan Cooke (a.k.a. Wild Irish Poet this audio version makes the character live and will hook you from the very beginning.
‘Escaping Psychiatry’ is a collection of three stories with the same protagonist, Mary, a psychiatrist and writer. She is trying to develop her literary career but circumstances and friends conspire to keep dragging her back to psychiatry.
In ‘Cannon Fodder’, Phil, a lawyer who and Mary’s friend asks her to provide a report on one of his clients, a young African-American man called Cain White. Cain is a very religious man and has been accused of inciting a riot at a religious meeting. He says he can hear God’s voice. He insists that God is black and his appears to be a Black Nationalist message. Is Cain insane, deluded, misguided, looking for media-attention, or a Saint? To find an answer to these questions Mary talks to his family and friends. Although she concludes he is sane,Mary’s investigation uncovers some very damaging revelations about his family life, beliefs and local attitudes. Who is a saint and who is a sinner is a matter for debate. The more Mary gets involved in the lives of Cain and those close to him the more she realises how dangerous secrets are. Like time-bombs ready to set off any minute.
‘Teamwork’: Captain Tom McLeod, from the San Francisco Police Department, invites Mary for a meal at home with his wife. When she meets their other guest, a young detective called Justin, she quickly realises there is an agenda well beyond a friendly meal. Justin’s partner, mentor and father figure, Sgt David Leaman, was killed a couple of months earlier during a routine investigation. Justin witnessed the event but he insists in going back to work and refusing any therapy or counselling. Tom and others at the department are concerned about his mental state but have failed to convince him to accept professional help. Both Mary and Justin are reluctant to engage in the ambush/informal consultation organised, but eventually decide to give it a try. At first sight it appears to be a straight forward case of unresolved grief, but things aren’t as clear-cut as they appear and Mary ends up getting too personally involved with the case, to the detriment of her professional objectivity.
In ‘Memory’, Mary runs out of her apartment after a difficult encounter with her friend Phil, and goes missing. When she is found it seems that she was hit in the head, abducted, raped and she is suffering from amnesia. She never recovers memory for the assault and finds it difficult to come to terms with something she cannot recall.  The clues point towards a serial killer who could not finish his job in her case. But some things do not fit in. Who disturbed the killer? Why was she left there? The crime and the investigation surrounding it have a profound impact on Mary who decides that she needs to reconsider her life and start anew.
The epilogue revisits Mary at the point of the trial of her abductor and sees what changes have taken place in her life. Will she finally manage to Escape Psychiatry?
Although these stories are fictional, the author, a forensic psychiatrist, brings her expertise and insight to the material, lifting it above a standard crime caper.

Oh, you’re asking me where can you get it? I thought you’d never ask!


In Audible UK:



In Amazon (everywhere):


ACX very kindly offered me a number (not telling you how many) codes that can be used to download a free copy of Escaping Psychiatry. I have codes for Audible. and At the moment I’m trying to coordinate some joint promotions with other authors who have also published audiobooks but wandered if you had any ideas of what would be the best way to use these codes. Any thoughts?

Ah, and there’s is another option to get it for free. If you’ve never downloaded any audiobooks in Audible, they offer you the first title for free (and what’s more, they’re so happy they offer me a bonus). So…you have no excuse not to listen.

In case you need more convincing, I leave you a video in YouTube showcasing a sample of the book, from the first story, Cannon Fodder. (Sorry. It’s my first attempt at one of these things but the sample is good. The visuals are all my fault, I’m afraid.)

Thanks very much for reading, and watching, and listening, and if you’ve liked it, you know, like, comment, share, and CLICK!