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#NewBook ‘Shizzle, Inc.’ by Ana Spoke (@spokeana). The corporate world a laugh at a time.

Hi all:

As you know on Fridays I bring you new books and new authors. Today I do both. I met Ana Spoke through her blog, where she shares her adventures in writing, promoting, creating covers… She tells it all exactly as it is, and will give you names, numbers and everything in between. Here is her blog, if you don’t believe me.

After reading about her adventures in publishing, promoting and about her book, I knew I had to bring her here, as I was convinced if you hadn’t met her you’d enjoy it as much as I do.

So, here she is:

Author Ana Spoke
Author Ana Spoke

Ana Spoke is the author of Shizzle, Inc, which has been prominently featured in Top 100 Amazon bestseller lists since its release in September 2015. She is currently working on the second instalment of the Isa Maxwell series. Ana lives in Australia with her fiancé.

You can connect with Ana on her:

Twitter: @spokeana

Amazon page

And her book, Shizzle, Inc. 

Shizzle, Inc. by Ana Spoke
Shizzle, Inc. by Ana Spoke

Isa Maxwell is an average busty blonde, a recent graduate of a community college, and rap-loving, gun-toting, self-proclaimed badass. More than anything else, Isa wants to be discovered, so that she can solve her financial woes and win back Brad, the love of her life.
Thanks to her clumsiness, street smarts, and an unbelievable bit of luck, Isa lands a dream job at Shizzle, Inc. Things start to look up when Mr. Hue, the playboy billionaire owner of Shizzle, Inc takes Isa under his wing. Isa even gets a number of new love interests, but all is not what it seems. In fact, absolutely nothing is what it seems.
Can Isa survive the tough world of corporate intrigue and constant looming bodily harm? Or will her efforts be the end of Shizzle, Inc and possibly her life?

Thanks so much to Ana for her book, thanks to all of you for reading, and if you’ve enjoyed it, like, share, comment, and CLICK!


¿Necesitáis ayuda con Twitter? Echadle un vistazo a Tweet Jukebox. Y compartid vuestros tweets!

Hola a todos:

Sé que a todos nos han dicho que debemos usar los medios sociales para promocionarnos y para promocionar nuestros negocios, nuestros blogs, libros, cuadros, artesanía, lo que sea que hagamos. Y sé que cada uno de nosotros tiene sus preferencias, o sitios que entendemos mejor, que nos parecen más útiles o que no nos dan dolor de cabeza.

Tengo que confesar que para empezar me gustaba Twitter, cuando me conecté unos meses antes de publicar mi primer libro. Seguía a gente que me interesaba, leía sus Tweets, y era emocionante cuando alguien me seguía. Leí bastante sobre el tema, compartía citas, ideas, sugerencias, hacía retweets de cosas interesantes…

He conocido a gente fascinante a través de Twitter, especialmente escritores, y solemos compartir contenido y hacer RT. Luego empecé a tener problemas con hackers, suspensiones, y me cansé.

He probado variedad de cosas para intentar sacarle mejor a partido a Twitter. Sigo usando Hootsuite, que me permite ver varios categorías a la vez (nuevos seguidores, retweets y hashtags), pero aunque probé la versión pagada que permite cargar listas largas de Tweets, no la encontré lo suficientemente flexible ni variada, y aún requería cargar la lista cada día, y no siempre me era posible.

He intentado seguir automáticamente, pero uno se arriesga a seguir gente con contenidos que no nos interesan y que nos invadirán con mensajes directos (pornografía, por ejemplo), otras que son falsas o solo promocionan la venta de seguidores, y huevos (algunos huevos son gente genuina que no sabe o no se preocupa de subir una foto, pero muchas parecen ser falsas).

Y dejar de seguir a los que no te siguen. Yo suelo utilizar Tweepi de vez en cuando. No hay límite (de momento) al número de gente que puedes dejar de seguir.

Seguir a la gente que te sigue (si tienes muchos seguidores los nuevos seguidores se multiplican) lleva tiempo (si compruebas quiénes son y compartes contenido. Sospecho que tendré que volver a usar algún sistema automático porque el día no se alarga.) Y luego está el aspecto social. Interaccionar con gente y eso. Que es lo bonito y para lo que fue diseñado (se supone). Pero claro, no siempre le podemos dedicar la atención que querríamos. Sí, todo lleva tiempo.

Pero entonces, ¿qué pasa con lo de promocionarse y compartir contenido interesante que haga que otra gente te siga y extienda tu mensaje?

Ahí es donde Tweet Jukebox  podría resultar una opción útil.


Tweet Jukebox
Tweet Jukebox

Lo descubrí a través de un grupo donde compartimos Tweets al que pertenezco. Gracias Regina Puckett!

Es una creación de Tim Fargo. La idea es que podéis tener varias cajas, que envían Tweets que habéis programado con antelación, y los envían al azar. Podéis ajustar los horarios para cada día de la semana, y los intervalos cuando cada caja envía los mensajes, e incluso cómo de a menudo queréis que se repitan los mensajes (si solo queréis que los mensajes de una caja salgan cada 2 o 3 días o si es algo que sea una oferta especial podéis ajustarlo también). Pero una vez los Tweets están en las cajas (y podéis subirlos usando un documento en txt o CVS aunque a mí no se me da nada bien, o los podéis añadir individualmente, con fotos y todo, e ir añadiendo luego), si ponéis la caja en marcha, los Tweets van saliendo cada día sin parar, o a los intervalos a los que los hayáis programado. Para que lo podáis probar viene con un par de cajas ya cargadas, una con citas y otra con fotos, y así podéis ver cómo funciona.

Podéis firmar usando Twitter, y si tenéis problemas os podéis poner en contacto y responden rápidamente.

Ah, sí, es GRATIS. Aún está en estadio beta y lo más probable es que creen una versión pagando, pero han insistido mucho en que eso no afectaría la versión gratuita.

También hay una serie de videos que explican cómo funciona y diversos aspectos. Comparto unos cuantos, pero si decidís probarlo, podéis verlos todos:

¿Qué es Tweet Jukebox?

¿Por qué usar Tweet Jukebox?

Mejore métodos a usar con Tweet Jukebox con Tim Fargo

Y ahora, tengo unas cuantas cajas en marcha (hay un límite, aunque cuando yo pregunté, ya que no me había dado cuenta, me dieron acceso a más), incluyendo una en la que comparto contenido de otros, libros, posts de blog, lo que sea que me parezca interesante. Y me gustaría añadir más Tweets a esta caja. ¿Quién sabe? Igual ayuda a alguien. Así que, si tenéis Tweets favoritos que os gustaría que añadiera a mi repertorio, por favor, dejadlos en los comentarios o enviádmelos. Y si otros quieren compartir también, ¿por qué no? ¡A compartir se ha dicho! 

Gracias a Regina por la sugerencia, a Tim Fargo for su creación, y gracias a todos por leer. Y ya sabéis, dadle a me gusta, compartid, ved los videos, haced CLIC,  y dejadme vuestros Tweets!



Do you need help with Twitter? Try #Tweet-Jukebox. And come and share some Tweets!

Hi all:

I know we’ve all been told we should use social media to promote ourselves, our businesses, blogs, books, painting, whatever we do. And I know we all have our preferences, or sites that we understand better, or we find more useful, or that don’t give us a headache.

I must confess I quite liked Twitter to begin with, when I joined a few months before I published my first book. I would follow people I found interesting, read their Tweets, and be excited if somebody decided to follow me. I read about the subject, I tweeted quotations, ideas, suggestions, retweeted interesting things…

I’ve met many interesting people through Twitter, especially many authors, and we tend to share content and RT. Then I had problems with hackers, suspensions and got tired of it.

I’ve tried a variety of things to manage Twitter. I still use Hootsuite, as it allows me to see several streams at the same time, but although I tried the paid version that allows to upload big lists of Tweets, I didn’t find it flexible or varied enough, and it still required me to upload a new list every day, and that is not always possible.

I’ve tried automated follows, but that risks following porn sites, some of those fake sites that only promote sales of followers, and eggs (some eggs might be genuine people who don’t know or care about having a picture, but some, many, are fake accounts). Although when the followers start rolling in (when you have a certain number of followers it seems to work by inertia and people follow you no matter what) it’s difficult to keep up and I suspect I’ll have to go back to one of the automated systems soon.

Following people who follow you takes time (if you check who they are and share some of their content). And then there’s the social aspect of it. Interacting with people, etc., that’s the interesting bit, but some days we might not be able to dedicate it as long as we’d like. Yes, it all takes time.

Unfollow the unfollowers… I usually do a run with Tweepi every so often (you’re not limited in the numbers you can unfollow).

But then, what about advertising and sharing interesting content that will make other people follow and spread your message?

That’s where Tweet Jukebox might be of interest to you.

Tweet Jukebox
Tweet Jukebox

I discovered it through one of the author groups (actually, a Twitter group where we share our Tweets). Thanks Regina Puckett!

This is Tim Fargo‘s baby. The idea is that you can have several boxes, that send Tweets you have pre-programmed before, and they send them out randomly. You can adjust the days of the week and the intervals for each one of these boxes. But once they are on (you can use CVS or txt only document to upload tweets, although I haven’t been very lucky with that, or you can insert individual Tweets, and pictures too), if you turn that box on, they keep going day in and day out. So you can try, there are a couple of boxes pre-set, one with quotations and one with pictures, that allow you to see how it works.

You can sign in just using Twitter,and if you have any problems, you can contact them and they kindly reply very quickly.

Ah, yes, it is FREE. It’s still in beta stage and the likelihood is that there will be a paid version, but he’s very insistent that it will not affect the free settings.

There are also a number of videos sharing the process and how it works. I share a few here, but if you decide to give it a go, you can watch them all:
What is Tweet Jukebox

Why use Tweet Jukebox?

Best Practices for Tweet Jukebox by Tim Fargo

And now, I have a few boxes going (oh, there is a limit to the number although I hadn’t realised, but when I queried that I was granted more boxes so…), including one where I’m sharing other people’s contents, books, blogposts, whatever I find interesting. So, I’m happy to add more Tweets to this box. Who knows? It might help! So, if you have any favourite Tweets you’d like me to add to my repertoire, please, do add them here in the comments or send them to me. And if other people want to share them too, why not? Let’s share!

Thanks to Regina for pointing it out, to Tim Fargo for the creation, and thanks to all of you for reading. And you know, like, share, watch, CLICK and leave your Tweets!

Ah! And if you’re reading this post on the 30th, Regina Puckett has a give away of one of her horror stories, FREE until the 30th, inclusive, so go get it!

Silent Baby Screams

Gwen doesn’t understand why her husband resents their newborn baby so much, but she never suspects that one day she’ll return home from work to discover their baby boy has simply vanished. What happens next is the stuff of nightmares.

Universal link –


Blog Tour Book launch

#MagicalWeddings (15 Enchanting Romances) Blog Tour (only $0.99). And #giveaway!

Hi all:

As you know on Friday I bring you new books or guest authors, so when one of the authors who has visited as before, Jody Kessler contacted me about this amazing collection of books, I grabbed the chance. Then I realised I also know Tamara Ferguson, although she hasn’t come for a visit yet, so I’m putting her on notice. Ah, and don’t miss the giveaway! Notice the giveaway runs for the 15th to the 28th of June.

Magical Weddings ~ 15 Enchanting Romances

Whether real or only in the hearts of the bride and groom, the magic of weddings is undeniable and irresistible! As these 15 enchanting happily-ever-afters by bestselling and award-winning authors prove.

From sweet to spicy, the romances bundled into this set cross time and unite hearts, cast spells of laughter, battle wedding jitters and fight back tears, while weaving love’s hopeful magic throughout 1400 pages.

MagicalWeddings 3D- final

The box set is available for pre-order now – only .99 cents!

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Ibooks | Google Play

~~~More About the Books~~~

Her Wedding Wager by Leigh Michaels, National bestselling and Award-winning author of over 100 novels. Celia’s doomed to an arranged marriage–unless she can win the most important bet of her life!

The Last Wedding at Drayhome (Breens Mist Witches) by Aileen Harkwood. Never underestimate the power of a witch and warlock in love who have nothing left to lose.

The Dress by Eve Devon. Two couples, 400 years apart. From a masquerade ball in Venice 1615 to a wedding in England 2015, can a dress laced with magic weave its spell through the fabric of time?

Second Chance Bride by Raine English, USA Today bestselling and Award-winning author. She thinks she’s marrying the man of her dreams, until a telepathic rescue dog leads her to someone else… Will this bride-to-be say “I do” to the wrong man?

Two Hearts Surrendered by Tamara Ferguson, Bestselling and Award-winning author. Will two warring hearts be strong enough to survive the ultimate battle?

Something Borrowed, Something Blue by Lynda Haviland. She has a wedding to crash–until love gets in the way!

Heart of the Secret (Witches of Lane County) by Jody A. Kessler, Bestselling and Award-winning author. A 500 year-old curse, a witch who will do anything to marry her one true love, and the heart of a secret that will either divide them or bring them together…forever.

The Jealous Love of a Scoundrel by Jane Lark, National bestselling author. How do you fight a calling that comes from your soul?

A Wedding Across the Winds of Time by Bess McBride, National bestselling author. Darius and Molly found each other Across the Winds of Time. Now, it’s time for their wedding!

Kiss This by L.L. Muir, National bestselling and Award-winning author. You never expect the florist to catch the bouquet…

Caution is a Virtue by Jennifer Gilby Roberts. How much is too much to risk for love?

Loving Lindy by Jan Romes. In order to become the bank’s new Vice President, Gunther Justin has to be “settled.” With Lindy McPherson posing as his fiancé everything is set to go off without a hitch–until real feelings get in the way.

With this Kiss by Heather Thurmeier. Does a simple kiss have enough magic to reunite lovers?

Real Magic by Elsa Winckler. She’s the bridesmaid, he’s a best man. Will the magical evening stay just that or will it turn out to be real after all?

The Wedding Guests (A Tassamara Short Story) by Sarah Wynde. When unexpected guests attend Akira and Zane’s wedding, lives will change forever. But for better or for worse?

***Meet the Authors***

Leigh Michaelsis the bestselling and award-winning author of more than 100 books, including historical romance and contemporary romance. Her non-fiction book, On Writing Romance, has been called the best guide available for romance writers, and she teaches romance writing online at Gotham Writers Workshop.

Six of her books have been finalists in the RITA contest sponsored by Romance Writers of America, and more than 35 million copies of her books are in print in 25 languages and more than 120 countries. Her books have been published by Harlequin Books, Sourcebooks, Montlake Romance, Writers Digest Books, and Arcadia Publishing.

Website | Facebook | Twitter

Aileen Harkwoodis a Readers’ Crown finalist who lives in the Southern Rockies. The Last Wedding at Drayhome is the prequel to two concurrent series of fantasy romances, Spell Touched: Breens Mist Witches, Book 1, and Wedding Spell, first in the Breens Mist Weddings series, due out in September 2015. She’s passionate about green chile and the mysteries hiding in antique photographs. Check in with her at:

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Eve Devon: Growing up in locations like Botswana and Venezuela gave Eve Devon a taste for adventure. Her love of romances began when her mother shoved one into her hands in a desperate attempt to keep her quiet during TV coverage of the Wimbledon tennis finals. She lives in leafy Surrey in the UK, a book-devouring, slightly melodramatic, romance-writing sassy heroine with her very own sexy hero husband! Visit the author at her website:

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Raine English USA Today bestselling and award-winning author Raine English writes sweet small-town romance, paranormal, and Gothic romantic suspense. She’s a Daphne du Maurier Award winner and a Golden Heart finalist. Her new lighthearted contemporary romance series, Love Always, will be available June 2015. It features three childhood friends who encounter a lot more than anticipated while searching for love. Raine lives in New England with her family and her French bulldog, Bailey.

Website | Facebook | Twitter

Tamara Ferguson: A member of the Romance Writers of America, as well as the FTHRW Chapter, Tamara

Ferguson is the best-selling and multi-award winning author of the Tales of The Dragonfly Romance Suspense Series. Tales of the Dragonfly Book II: In Flight was a 2014 WINNER at the Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards. Her latest release, That Unforgettable Kiss, was recently a top ten Amazon bestseller in Kindle Saga Fiction.

Website | Twitter | Facebook

Lynda Havilandshares her chaotic and creative life with her chef husband, two artistic teenagers, and an aging bearded dragon. She admits to being heavily influenced by hazelnut coffee, chocolate with caramel, and romantic comedies. Something Borrowed, Something Blue is a stand-alone romantic short story written for the Magical Weddings Boxed Set. But Nellie Pearle can’t be contained. Look for her and other oddly entertaining residents of Pearl Key in an upcoming paranormal suspense series.

Website | Newsletter | Facebook

Jody A. Kessler’s debut novel, Death Lies Between Us, is a #1 best-seller and the winner of the Readers’ Crown Award. She writes paranormal romance, historical time travel fiction, and contemporary fiction.

Website | Amazon | Newsletter

Jane Lark: Jane is a Kindle bestselling author and a writer of authentic, passionate and emotional Historical and New Adult romances, and she’s a sucker for a love story. “I love the feeling of falling in love and it’s wonderful to be able to do it time and time again in fiction.” She loves writing intense relationships and she is thrilled to be giving her characters life in others’ imaginations.

Website | Facebook | Twitter

Bess McBrideis the bestselling author of over fifteen time travel romances as well as contemporary, historical, romantic suspense and light paranormal romances. She loves to hear from readers, and you can contact her at

Website | Twitter | Facebook

L.L. Muir lives in the shadows of the Rocky Mountains with a charming husband who makes her laugh, but does not make her do pans. Like most authors, she is constantly searching for, or borrowing pens. The best ideas always begin on a napkin.

Website | Facebook | Twitter

Jennifer Gilby Robertshas a degree in physics and a postgraduate certificate in computing, so a career writing fiction was inevitable really. She was born and grew up in Surrey/Greater London, but now lives in North Yorkshire with her husband, her small daughter, a middle-aged cat and a lot of dust bunnies.

Website | Facebook | Twitter

Jan Romesis a hopeless romantic who grew up in northwest Ohio with eight zany siblings. Married to her high school sweetheart for more years than seems possible, she is also a proud mom, mother-in-law, and grandmother. She likes to read all genres and writes witty contemporary romance.

Website | Twitter | Amazon

Heather Thurmeieris a lover of margaritas and a hater of spiders. Born and raised in the Canadian prairies, she now lives in New York where she’s become an odd Canuck-Yankee hybrid. Heather’s currently writing her next romance, which will probably be filled with sassy heroines, sexy heroes that make your heart pound, laugh out loud moments and always a happily ever after.

Website | Facebook | Twitter

Elsa Winckler: Inspired by the writing of Jane Austen, Elizabeth Gaskell, Henry James, and the Brontë sisters, Elsa Winckler likes her heroines beautiful, feisty, independent and headstrong. She married her college boyfriend who, after 40 years, still makes her weak in the knees. They have 3 interesting children, 3 beautiful grandsons and live in the picturesque little seaside village of Betty’s Bay, South Africa.

Website | Facebook | Twitter

Sarah Wynde graduated from Wesleyan University with a degree in English, which she actually managed to put to use by becoming an editor. She’s worked on magazines, websites, and books, including ten years spent as a senior acquisitions editor with Pearson. Eventually, her love of writing pushed her into independent publishing. She likes to think of the stories she writes as unexpected fiction—bending, blending, and occasionally breaking genres.

Website | Facebook | Twitter

Watch the Video Trailer

And Ta, chan! the GIVEAWAY! 

The giveaway includes a $20 & $10 amazon gift cards, earrings, ebooks, audiobook, and a signed paperback from the various box set authors.

The giveaway runs from June 15th – 28th.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you for stopping by!

onjune16 - with cover - edited


Order your copy here & it will be delivered to your ereader on June 16th!

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Ibooks | Google Play

Thanks to Jody for bringing us this wonderful collection, thanks to all the authors for participating, thanks to all of you for reading, and you know, like, share, comment and of course CLICK!

Writing samples

Family, lust and surveillance. New story.

Hi all:

As you know usually I have a best author featured on my blog on Fridays. Unfortunately things didn’t work according to plan and the writer who was supposed to post today couldn’t make it. I hope she’ll come for a visit soon.

Instead I’ve decided to share with  you the beginning of a story I wrote some time ago that I’m revising. I haven’t decided what I’ll do with it, but could do with the opinions. If there’s interest I can always post a bit more of it in the future, and even consider publication…If not, it will go back to the drawer (or computer file to be more precise).

Here it is:

Family, Lust and Surveillance

The parcel was planted on my desk, brown and seemingly innocent. It had my name on it, my job denomination (Sub-Editor) and the office’s address. I picked it up, weighted it, shook it…It was too large for a CD. My heart started beating very fast, and my hands trembled. What I’d been fearing, had happened. Herman had finally got hold of me.

I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. It’s just…which one of these do you prefer?”

Matt, one of the graphic designers, had been working on the cover of the anthology we were getting ready.

“I…Which one do you prefer?”

“I’ve made them both. I don’t know.”

He looked at me. He was a short, funny looking guy, all head and eyes.

“Is that a CD?”

I was still holding the parcel in my right hand.

“No, a DVD.”

“Anything nice?”

“I think it’s a family recording I’ve been waiting for. Do you know if any of the viewing cabins are free?”

“I don’t think there’s anybody there at all this morning. Which one…?”

“Oh…the designs…I like them both. Ask Alan. Or choose yourself. We can always use the other design when we publish another anthology.”

OK. I hope you enjoy the movie.”

“I’m sure I will…”

He left and I added to myself “not”. I walked fast to one of the viewing cabins, the one on the further and more retired corner. I didn’t want to get interrupted or seen. I had to be completely sure. Once there, I opened the parcel. There was no note of any kind. Only a DVD. Blank cover. I switched the TV on and the DVD player. I watched the disc being swallowed by the machine. And after a few blank seconds, Herman appeared on screen. He looked thinner and paler than last time I had seen him, if that was possible. His hair was long, greasy, and he’d acquired some grey hairs. He looked tired but smiled, toothpaste-ad style.

“Hi, Pat. It’s been a long time since we last saw each other, hasn’t it? Over three years now. Of course, you’re the one seeing me though, I can’t see you. Not yet, anyhow. Or do you think I can?…It wasn’t in very good taste what you did to me. Pack your things and go when we were having such good fun. And send me an e-mail. So impersonal! ‘Don’t try to contact me. Leave me alone or…’ I’ve been wondering ‘or what?’ all these years. That’s not fair. I’ve been bored stiff all this time. Watching our last recording. Do you remember it? Here is a selection.”

The screen went blank for a minute and the next images were of a couple, naked in a narrow bed, having sex. Herman, the male in the tape, seemed to be performing for the camera, trying to make the action as visible as possible. Only when approaching the climax did he seem to lose the control and forget about the performance. The woman was hardly visible until the end, when Herman just laid down next to her, caressing her abdomen and kissing her nipples. Herman seemed to suddenly remember the camera and grabbing her face made her sit.

‘Smile at the camera.’

I looked at the blank screen. My image looking at myself from the gulf of three years made me blush and feel humiliated. But it hadn’t finished yet. Herman walked in front of the camera and sat down.

“I hope you enjoyed it. I did. You didn’t give me much of a chance to ask you, actually. But, I’ve been thinking of better angles for the camera. It would be more interesting if you were on top next time. I’ll phone you this morning. Just to discuss the details. Bye. I’m happy I’ve found you finally.”

I went back to my desk and sat down. I put the DVD on the top drawer, the one I could lock. The white phone looked harmless and pure. I could not think or do anything. I contemplated the possibility of leaving the office and going home. Maybe I should have emigrated. But I felt drained of all energy. I just waited for the phone to ring. And it did.

“Hi Pat. It’s Cal here. Are you busy tonight?”

“Tonight?…I don’t know. I’m waiting for a phone-call. I can’t tell you yet. What were you thinking of?”

“Intimate dinner, movie, sex…The usual.”

“I’ll give you a call when I know what I’m doing.”

“Are you all right? You sound a bit…strange.”

“I just feel a bit tired. I’ll be all right, Cal.”

“OK. Don’t forget to phone. You know I have many admirers cueing…”

“I’ll phone you later.”

“Pat…It was only a joke.”

“I know, darling, I know. Sorry, I’m just not myself today. Speak to you later. Thanks for phoning.”

Cal…he was such a sweet guy. How could I explain Herman to him? How could anybody explain Herman to anybody else? If he would just disappear…

The phone rang again. I let it ring a few times, until Tina, the girl in the contiguous office came in. Always fashionable clothes, impeccable make-up, carefully arranged hair…Heart of model.

“Oh, I thought you weren’t in. I was going to answer it…By the way, somebody phoned earlier. Herman…somebody or other. He said he’s your stepbrother. I didn’t know you had any family.”

“We haven’t talked to each other for a long time. I’ll tell you the story some other day.”

I picked up the phone and watched Tina leave.

“Hello. Pat McKenzie here.”

“Hi Pat. Herman Stenson here.”

I didn’t say anything. There wasn’t anything to say.

“How are you? Surprised?”

“Nothing you do surprises me, Herman.”

“You probably thought you had got away with it by now.”

“I didn’t think, I hoped and prayed. What do you want?”

“OK, forget about niceties, hey? It’s only me, it’s all in the family, I understand. What do you think I want?”

I didn’t answer. I wanted to put the phone down on him, but I knew that wouldn’t make any difference. I’d grown up with the bastard.

“I want you to come and see me, Pat. I’m living here too. I moved once I found your address. I’ll tell you where I live.”

“I don’t want to know.”

“I have a very nice place here.”

“Leave me alone.”

“Oh, come on, Pat, be fair now. Have I gone to all this bother to find you for nothing? You must come and see me. I must show you my new surveillance system, cameras…I can record anything now.”

“I don’t want to…”

“All right, I’m not going to carry on playing Mr. Nice Guy. If that’s the way you want it that’s the way it’ll be. You will come to see me or I’ll send a copy of our DVD to your boss and to your lovely Carl Tom…whatever.”

“Cal Tomlinson. What makes you think I’m bothered about that?”

“The sub-editor of a serious intellectual magazine, on educational matters, star of a porn movie. I’m not sure it quite goes with the job.”

“It isn’t a porn movie.”

“I know what it is, and you do too, but do you think anybody else knows? Nobody would understand that. And I’m sure Carl wouldn’t either.”


“I couldn’t care less what his name is. Unless he wants to star in the movie…although…no, let’s keep it as it was.”

“WHY DON’T YOU SIMPLY FIND SOMEBODY ELSE TO…” I suddenly dropped my voice because I realised that probably Tina and half of the office where hearing me by now. “…fuck?”

“It’s a little bit more than that, love. Come to see me and we’ll talk about it.”

I wrote down his address automatically and put the phone down.


Let me know what you think.

And I have two announcements. Next week, to make up, I have two guest authors. On Tuesday my blog will be part of Travis Luedke’s blog tour. We’ll here about his new novel in the series ‘The Nightlife’. If you like hot and sexy vampires…I wouldn’t miss it. And on Friday, Dan O’Brien will talk to us offering his advice on how to get your work in a magazine (in his role as an editor) and his writing. Good week coming.

And the second announcement. My Young Adult novella, ‘Twin Evils?‘ is going to be free, for one day only, on Friday the 1st March. I’ll remind you, but be prepared. It’s only one day. I leave you links to previous blogs where I offered samples of Twin Evils also…for inspiration.

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!


Twin Evils cover11