Guest author post

#Guestauthor. Nicholas Rossis. Great blogger, sci-fi, fantasy and children’s author.

Hi all:

As you know on Fridays I try and bring you new authors that haven’t visited yet my blog. Sometimes I keep reading about some authors, I enjoy their blogs, and they become such familiar faces for me, that I’m surprised when I check back and realise they’ve never visited my blog yet.

That is the case with my guest today.

Nicholas Rossis is a writer I’ve known for a while and whose blog  I thoroughly enjoy and I’ve mentioned before. (It’s full of useful information, don’t miss it!). How I hadn’t featured his books here before, is anybody’s guess, but finally, today is the day.

First, a bit about Nicholas:

Author Nicholas Rossis
Author Nicholas Rossis

Avid reader. Web developer. Architect by training, holder of a PhD in Digital Architecture from the University of Edinburgh. Now, author.

Nicholas loves to write. Except for his epic fantasy series, Pearseus, he has also published The Power of Six, a collection of short sci-fi stories. These have all become Amazon best-sellers. His latest book is Runaway Smile, a children’s book.

He lives in Athens, Greece, in the middle of a forest, with his wife, dog and two very silly cats, one of whom is always sitting on his lap, so please excuse any typos in his blog posts: typing with one hand can be hard. Mercifully, all his books are professionally edited!

Amazon author page:

Now, his books:

Pearseus: Rise of the Prince
Pearseus: Rise of the Prince

Pearseus, Rise of the Prince (Book 1 of the Pearseus epic fantasy series)

Justice without compassion is but tyranny

The series that has reached #1 on Amazon!

The handful of humans that crash-landed on Pearseus three hundred years ago have by now colonized a large part of the planet, rebuilding their civilization from scratch. In the process, they have created a dystopia for themselves, splitting into three competing factions: the Capital, the Loyalists and the Democracies, all embroiled in endless intrigue and constant warfare.

An uneasy truce between the three parties still holds – barely. While man turns against man, the First, Pearseus’ indigenous people, wage their own war against a shadowy enemy; an ancient conflict that threatens to engulf and destroy all of humanity.

Following an unspeakable crime, the men and women of Pearseus struggle to live and love as their world crumbles all around them. But can love be found in the ruins of humanity’s civilization?


Pearseus: Mad Water
Pearseus: Mad Water

Pearseus: Mad Water (book 2 of the Pearseus epic fantasy series)

The Amazon best-selling series continues!

In the second book of the best-selling Pearseus series, the incessant scheming of the various players and their nebulous puppet-masters has brought about major change. Cyrus is now the new ruler of the Capital, struggling to fight Jonia’s revolt along with his own demons. Gella strives to keep abreast of Teo’s devious plans in order to end the war with Jonia. David returns to the First in an effort to overcome his loss of the Voice. Lehmor’s struggle to reunite with Moirah brings him to uncharted territories, where the enigmatic Iota play with minds, senses and the future of the entire planet.

Old foes and unlikely new friends appear as invisible forces continue to tear humanity apart. Masks drop to reveal the ultimate truth: on Pearseus, everyone has their own agenda. And they’ll stop at nothing to achieve it.


Pearseus: Vigi
Pearseus: Vigi

Pearseus: Vigil (book 3 of the Pearseus epic fantasy series)

It’s a difficult time on Pearseus. Teo Altman has assumed control of the Capital and has his eye on Parad’s children. Pratin and his monsters have laid siege on Malekshei. The Old Woman has forsaken Lehmor and the First. And Sol is preparing for the Capital’s inevitable invasion.

As Malekshei’s defenders fight for their lives, they realize they need an army to stop Pratin. To raise that army, they must do the unthinkable: wake up those who have been sleeping under Pearseus for the last hundred thousand years.

This three books are also available as a box-set:

Pearseus Bundle
Pearseus Bundle

Box set


And the prequel to the series:

Pearseus: Schism
Pearseus: Schism

Pearseus: Schism

Humanity starts over. Again.

The prequel to the Amazon best-selling series, Pearseus.

If you like dark epic fantasy with a sci-fi twist, then you’ll love Pearseus: Schism, the novelette that lays the back story to the series that has reached #1 on Amazon.

It’s New Year’s Eve, the year of 2099, but the distinguished guests aboard the Pearseus won’t get to countdown seconds; soon they’ll be counting bodies and survivors after the spaceship’s crash landing on another planet.

The good news? The planet is seemingly hospitable both in resources and in terms of the natives’ attitude towards earthlings.

The bad news? They might have come on this planet bare of possessions, but what they haven’t been able to shed are the shortcomings of their human nature. Will that be the sole threat to a unified future, or is the new land and its first inhabitants not as innocent as they look?

The Power of Six
The Power of Six

The Power of Six: Six (plus one) Science Fiction Short Stories [Kindle Edition]

Nicholas C. Rossis (Author), Amos M. Carpenter (Author)

Six science fiction short stories written by the author of Pearseus, the epic fantasy series that has reached #1 on Amazon. This edition includes one extra story, written by Amos M. Carpenter.

The Power of Six reached #1 on Amazon in October 2014.

Although they seem to be concerned with various themes, there are certain passions that run through them. What is the nature of reality; digital and corporeal? Is there more to the world than we can see? How far can we trust our senses? What are the consequences of our actions, and is it possible to change them? And if so, would we simply repeat same mistakes, or make new ones?

The anthology includes the following stories:

“Simulation Over”: How far can we trust our senses?
“For the Last Time”: The law of unintended consequences meets Murphy’s law during a man’s unexpected time travel.
“The Hand of God”: What do the game characters do when we stop playing?
“I Come in Peace”: an award-winning short story that poses the question: how far would man go to alleviate his loneliness?
“A Fresh Start”: If we were free to go anywhere in time and space, where would we choose to go?
“The Sentry”: What is a Sentry to do when the monster that steals away his family’s most precious possessions reappears?
“Big Bang”: A friendly game turns into much more in this short story written by Amos M. Carpenter.

Humorous and poignant, these short stories are exciting, intriguing and imaginative.

And his illustrated children’s book:

Runaway Smile
Runaway Smile


Runaway Smile: An unshared smile is a wasted smile [Kindle Edition]

Nicholas Rossis (Author), Lorelei Logsdon (Editor), Dimitris Fousekis (Illustrator)

“I woke up this morning and I had lost my smile and it wasn’t my fault and I looked everywhere and it was gone. Then I met a workman and a king and the best salesman in the world and a clown and no-one wanted to give me theirs. At school, I asked Miss to give me hers, but she gave us a pop quiz instead, and then no-one was smiling and…”

A little boy wakes up in the morning and realizes he has lost his smile. After spending the entire day trying to find it, he learns the truth behind smiles: the only real smiles are the shared ones.

Thanks so much to Nicholas Rossi for his books, thanks to all of you for reading, and you know what to do, like, share, comment, and CLICK!

PS: Nicholas kindly left a comment sharing more information about his work, and I thought it was only right to add it to the main post.

Here is Nicholas himself, generous to a fault:

For anyone wanting a risk-free taste of my work, you can read my children’s book, Runaway Smile, for free on:

You can also read a couple of my short stories from the Power of Six:

Thanks Nicholas!

Guest author post

Marion Lovato and ‘Sam, the Superkitty’. A fabulous illustrated children’s book.

Hi all:

It’s Friday and once more I bring you an author from one of the groups I belong too. As I checked Marion Lovato‘s work I realised I haven’t had many children’s authors as guests (some Young Adult authors but…) and I decided it was ample time to have a children’s book.

First, a few wards about Marion Lovato (and links to get in touch and learn more about her):

Author Marion Lovato
Author Marion Lovato

I am a retired teacher. After spending 30 years in the classroom, I decided to write a children’s book about my cat. Even though Sam, the Superkitty, was the first book that I wrote, I was selected as a finalist in the MARSocial Author of the Year competition. Very exciting!





Cats Rule Blog:
Wordpress Blog:
Children’s Literature Blog:


Here a link to a very interesting interview:

And here is her book, Sam, the Superkitty:

Sam, The Superkitty by Marion Lovato
Sam, The Superkitty by Marion Lovato

The family doesn’t know that their adorable kitten, Sammy, is really a Superhero at night and protects them from all dangers.




I could not resist but leave you this fantastic review:

5.0 out of 5 stars I know this cat personally… March 11, 2014

By Exclusively Online Buyer

Format:Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

My first impression after reading this book is ‘yeah… right!’. You see, I happen to know this cat personally (he is my half brother), and my suspicion is that since he wrote it himself, was able to include a lot of embellishment, and to hide the fact he is always getting in trouble. The problem is, he is a lot more like Tony Stark than Clark Kent. He does save the day, but only in spite of himself. I know from personal experience that he is only interested in doing good if there is something in it for him, which doesn’t really come across in this slanted depiction of himself. Don’t let this book fool you – he really is a ‘Super Kitty’, but he is no angel…

If you want to contact he author, this is her Twitter account:

Thanks to Marion for her visit, thanks to you all for reading, and you know, if you’ve enjoyed it, like, comment, share and CLICK!

I saw this image in Marino's Twitter account and could not resist
I saw this image in Marino’s Twitter account and could not resist



The magic of bookshops. A Goodreads discussion

 Barter bookshop (Peter Arris)

Hi all:

As you will remember, I have posted once (and revisited it as a Christmas special) asking everybody (readers in particular) what your ideal bookshop would be like. I also posted the same question in one of the groups in Goodreads (the UK group). Although my original question was posted months ago, it keeps getting replies. There are some that reach genius status (somebody wanted a bar in it, fireplaces figure highly, nooks and labyrinthine settings, comfy chairs, coffee, tea and cakes…), but there was a recent post that made me dream. I thought it deserved to be spread more widely and I (and E. whose reply I copy and the link to the bookshop she refers to too, as I really want to go and visit) hope our encouragement will make Sarah go forth writing a story about her magical bookshop. Go Sarah!

 message 80: by Sarah

Jan 17, 2014 07:38PM

Hi all

My ideal bookshop would have the classic deep leather chairs, winding stairs up to the next floor (or two), and little windows that you can peep out of and watch everyone else dashing about while you browse the cosy shop.

To save the walk back down the stairs, there would be a slide back down to the lower levels, made of wood of course.

The shop would have to be magic, for it would feel cosy, yet have enough room for buggies, wheelchairs and people with enormous back packs to browse without hindrance. There would be a lift, with someone dressed in a 1930s/40s Amercian lift attendant outfit, and jazz softly playing. Employees would also be on hand to help wheelchair users have the fun of using the slide too.

Mine would have foreign and literature/non-fiction films to hire, and weekly discussion evenings on such as books, philosophy, films. To reach the higher shelves, a couple of people would be employed who can walk on stilts, dressed up in a wonderful outfit of top hat, stripey trousers and top and for the guy, a long beard would be required.

On cold days, hot chocolate would be served and on warm days, cool homemade lemonade, spiced up for adults drinking it. For those immersed in a book who don’t notice the time and forget to go home, a school bell would be rung, and a friendly golden labrador would gently woof and tug at the sleeves of the dreamers (knowing instinctively those who are afraid of dogs and not troubling them)…

I think I’d better stop now because I could go on indefinitely with this…

Barter bookshop

message 82: by E.

Jan 18, 2014 06:37AM

Well my local bookshop is a little like Sarah’s although It has crooked uneven floors, so not so good for buggies. It’s a 15th century house with a little coffee shop on the ground floor, and many little interconnecting rooms, plus a rickety staircase. There’s a reading room with comfy old sofas so you can read to your hearts content.
New and second-hand books line the shelves and on some weekends, all the shopkeepers in town dress up in Dickensian costumes. Magic!

Here I asked E. where the bookshop she was talking about was, to add it to my list. And both, E. and I encouraged Sarah to write a story about her bookshops, and she said she hoped to write a children’s story about it.

message 84: by E.

Jan 18, 2014 08:26AM

East Grinstead, west Sussex, we’ve got the longest row of wood framed buildings in the country according to the blurb. I walk past them everyday, it really is a little gem, and you can get a steam train ride here too!

And no I’m not on the tourist board LOL!

East Grindstead bookshop

I leave  you a link to the discussion (as there are fantastic links to other places, great ideas, and I’d love to have more contributions there too), and also to my Pinterest board where I’m pinning bookshops that I like the look of (and some I have visited or hope to visit soon). Share yours also!

Link to discussion:

Pinterest board:

Thanks for reading, and you know, if you’ve enjoyed it, like, comment, share and CLICK!

Guest author post

Guest author and filmmaker: Magda Olchawska

Hello all:

If you remember a while back I talked about Magda Olchawska and how she was one of the first people to offer me advice and support in this task of not so much writing, but trying to promote your own books. Magda writes, is a very talented filmmaker and offers professional advice on how to promote your books (including creating book trailers. She did a wonderful job with the trailer for ‘The Man Who Never Was’), how to turn your book into a script, and many other things. She’s very generous with her advice and tips and after only a few months I consider her a good friend.  Did I forget to say? I met her through Twitter. Yes, another one of my Twitter treasure finds.

As I’ve said we’ve kept in touch and Magda has kindly agreed to be a guest in my blog. She has replied to some questions for us and at the end of the post I’ll include some links and also the link to the trailer for ‘The Man Who Never Was’ she created for me.

Here I leave you in the very capable and kind hands of Magda!


When did you first start writing?

I started writing when I was pretty young. I read a lot of poetry so, naturally, I started writing poetry. However seeing no success in my writing or rather not believing in myself too much I gave up writing for few years before I came back to it full time.

What inspired you to write?

The film scripts I write are usually based on my observation of daily life with a pinch of my imagination.


The children books I write are mostly based on my son’s stories and my experience & observation of his behaviour and life.


The novel I’ve just started to write is based to some extent on my experience, with rather huge dose of my imagination.

Have you always been intrigued or wanted to write a particular genre?

No, not really.  When it comes to writing scripts I write various genres.


When it comes to books I write for children and just recently extended my writing to more grown up writing.


What I definitely don’t want to write & won’t write is horror, or zombie or vampire stuff.

How did you come up with the idea for your newest/current project?

“Untitled Novel for Women Only” has been on my mind for some time. However, I couldn’t get the form just right. So it took me quite a bit of time to figure out what would be the best format for the novel. After I had the right format in my head I started writing. To write one novel post it takes me up to a week. I’m planning to post novel posts once a week.

Every week it’s going to be a continuation of the previous post. However, if readers decide to read just one post they will still be able to find their ground in the novel.

Do you write as a full time occupation? If no, do you think your everyday job provides you inspiration for writing or is it a necessary evil?

I’m a full time film director and writer. I also run social media management business so these three related occupations keep me both, busy & inspired.

If you could meet any writer (or writers) in the history of literature (dead or alive) who would you choose? And why?

Oh, dear it’s a difficult one. I guess at the moment I would love to meet Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.


I just love “The Little Prince” and it reminds me so much of my childhood.

What do you think about social media? Do you use it mostly as a promotional tool or is it an integral part of your life?

Social media has become a big part of my everyday life. I work with social media on daily basis to promote both my clients’ work as well as mine. I think social media are time consuming but at the same time give artist the freedom and opportunity we have never had before.


If the social media are used in a coherent & wise manner I don’t see the reason why they wouldn’t work to the artist’s advantage.

Any tips for people thinking about writing/publishing?

Just keep writing and re-writing. Don’t give up and don’t waste time on people who try to put your down.

Tell me a new thing you have discovered recently that you think should be shared.

Working hard 4 hours a day is fantastic & very productive .

Tell me an old thing you’ve rediscovered that you think shouldn’t be forgotten.


Importance of family in one’s life as well as taking time off and relaxing makes life not only more pleasurable but also more productive.

Magda is so right…Here are her links:

This one takes you to ‘Untitle Novel for Women Only’ that as Magda explains she’ll be posting every week:

This is her webpage where you can find more information about her, her projects and her consultation services:

This link is to her page about her children’s books (where she also shares her thoughts and posts):

Check this link for her online media management:

I hope you enjoyed reading about my friend Magda and I leave you also a link to the video she created for my novel ‘The Man Who Never Was’