
#Seebooks (@seebookindie) Sebooks y puntos de libros. Os interesa material que se puede tocar para promocionar vuestros libros?

Hola a todos:

No sé si recordaréis que os he hablado un par de veces de Seebooks que me parecen una gran oportunidad para promocionar los libros digitales pero de una manera más directa y tangible (se pueden firmar, tocar, enviar, regalar…).

Aquí el video…

Por si se me olvida, su página web está aquí.

Aparte de los Seebooks también están expandiendo y ofrecen una gran variedad de productos, incluyendo guías para museos, audios…

No os voy a contar lo difícil que es promocionar libros, especialmente la versión digital de libros en foros como presentaciones, conferencias, lecturas, ferias… Por eso su idea de puntos de libros que le permiten descargar un 33% del libro al lector gratuitamente, me pareció excelente. Es un recordatorio visual y es un regalo.

Aquí os explican un poco más:

He tenido la suerte de conocer a Rosa Sala, la CEO de la compañía y una autora que decidió buscar la manera de ayudar a promocionar los libros digitales que pueda llegar a gente que no está tan acostumbrada a la lectura en formato digital (con las ventajas del papel, pero sin los inconvenientes del peso y el espacio).

Yo estoy colaborando con  ellos para promocionar Seebooks e intentar expandirlos al Reino Unido. Aquí están los míos…


Y los puntos de libro:


Si queréis más información, con mucho gusto os cuento algo, os envío alguno (aunque están en inglés) y si no, podéis investigar vosotros mismos.

Podéis dejar vuestros comentarios aquí o enviarme un correo a:

Gracias por leer y si os ha interesado, dadle al me gusta, comentad, compartid y haced CLIC!

Launch Seebooks

#Seebooks (@seebookindie, @seebookUK) #Bookpromo you can touch and give away! And #giveaway

Hi all:

Some of you might remember that a few months back I brought you something I had come across in Twitter, called Seebooks (click here for a reminder of the post). I told you at the time that I had been exchanging information with Rosa Sala, the CEO, and I hoped to meet her in person in Barcelona.

Well, we met in September, and since I’ve been trying to give them a hand to bring the product to the UK (and hopefully many other places).

There are working on other products (including museum guides, audios…) and continuously renovating. And happy to hear new ideas.

Let me explain a bit more….

Seebooks look like a postcard and have the book cover at the front, at the back similar information to the back of the book (blurb, author picture if you like, and information about the author) and inside a code and QR for the book to be downloaded in a variety of formats. You can of course sign it or add a personal dedication to it. And, you can add bonus content (another story about the same characters, a video, a bit of audio, deleted chapters, PDFs with extra information… anything). You can send them to reviewers, readers, gift them as part of giveaways and take them with you to book launches or signings (and that way you can offer a less expensive alternative to your paperbacks). (Of course if you know bookshops or gift shops that might be willing to sell them there, they don’t take up a lot of space so… I’m wondering about card shops too.)

Here is a video (I just like the guy!):

And they’ve just in introduced ‘Seebookmarks’ a bookmark that has the cover of the book at the front and a snippet of information about it (the author logo if you want, too), and at the back the QR and code that allows for the 33% of the book to be downloaded. When the readers get to the end of the sample, they get the links to buy it in all the shops where they’re available. You can use them like you’d use a personal card, with the advantage that it contains a gift and can hook the reader! I have talked to the local library where I live and they’re happy to have them there and to send them to the other branches. In Spain Seebook have a deal with the libraries in Barcelona and they‘re distributing Seebookmarks there (and exploring other places too).

Here is a presentation with a bit more detail about Seebookmarks:

Seebook have a virtual shop, and they collect information (about downloads: who, times, where, etc.), produce very detailed reports that they will send to you, and are happy to e-mail people who have already downloaded your books for future campaigns.

After chatting to them and working with them, they produced some Seebooks for me. Let me show them to you:


And Seebookmarks:


As I was saying they are keen on seeing what authors in other places think about it, and have ask me to investigate (they call me their UK representative, but that’s only a big name). What it means is that if you’re interested in the product (check their website here) I can chat to you about it, send you samples, and offer you discounts.

You can leave you comments here, or contact me via e-mail:


And readers, I’m giving away five of my own Seebooks (and I’ll throw bookmarks in too) to five of you, in advance to the official publication of the single volume version of my YA series (due the 15th of December). Just contact me! (I’ll need addresses!)

Thanks so much to Rosa and Seebook for the Seebooks and for this opportunity, thanks to you all for reading, and you know, you can like, share, comment and CLICK!