
Merry Xmas to bloggers, readers and universe alike.

Hi all:

Yes, Christmas is nearly here, and as I know you’re all very busy, I just wanted to wish you a:

Merry Christmas to you and you family!
Merry Christmas to you and you family!

Thanks for reading through all this time, for blogging great content, for making me laugh, cry, think, for loving, for sharing, and for being you. And don’ t worry about either liking, sharing, commenting or clicking today. Just go and give a hug to somebody, be nice to everybody around and especially to yourself. 

All the best!

The Scary Guy

My meeting with The Scary Guy. Part 3 (and last so far!)

Hi all:

I hope you’ve been following my series sharing my meeting and interview with The Scary Guy. Today we get to the last part, where Scary talks about what he feels is his main message, about his personal experiences, his concept of family and how he’s come to be who he was meant to be.

Scary welcomes us to the last part of the interview
Scary welcomes us to the last part of the interview

I asked Scary about his core message: He told me he wants to show enough people how to make world peace in their life time. He is convinced that it can happen; the problem is how to show it to all individuals in the world in that particular moment. Part of the reason he believes this is a challenge is because people are essentially reactionary; they react to whatever is happening around them instantly.

He described that sharing his belief, message and teaching is like trying to swim up a waterfall (like the Niagara). He described himself as a “little speck of sand, screaming loudly”. With his tattoos he is screaming to tell people that it can be done and that it is very simple. Some people get it and “when they get it is as if they got a key. “With my teaching, they see that they can work on their own world peace. That is where their power lives” “Creation is not static, not inanimate. You have to keep working at it; you have to keep moving, breathing, changing creation. World peace is a process, not a matter of wood, or a gun, or a war. It’s the process of how to learn to create world peace.  People will say that we would achieve world peace “if we only stop fighting…or if we only make this or that happen, and we end up labelling it as racism or gay prejudice as the problem …” For Scary that is not the root problem, that is a manifestation, it is a symptom, a scar of an underlying problem. Neither racism, nor sexism, nor religious hatred are the problems and even if one of those problems were solved that would not result in world peace.

He noted that he would meet people who would be at pains to tell him straight away, I’m gay, or I belong to this or that religious group. And he wonders why they think that is so important. He knows they want to be accepted, the same as everybody, but he will tell them: “You tell me because you want to be accepted. I love you because you’re you.” It is not a matter of loving somebody for some specific reason, but rather as a whole person.

Both the film and the book also discuss Scary’s concept of creating your own family. He told me that like all of his teachings they come from personal experiences. He told me that his biological father was an afraid and angry man who lived through the period of World War II and was a child of that time. Scary’s father believed that children should be heard and not seen.

Scary needed acceptance from his father and wanted his father to tell him that he loved him as a son but his father did not have the training to do that. Scary’s father’s father had left the family when Scary’s father was 13 (in the 1930s or 40s). He never spoke about this. He had been taught that men had to shut up and be tough. Following this pattern, Scary’s father did not interact with his children. When he divorced, when Scary was 18, he left the house and the family and created a new family in Florida. He married a woman with six children, already grown-up and he was a father to his wife’s children but never again had any interaction with his three biological sons. Scary’s youngest brother tracked their father down and sent him a Christmas present but he returned it.

Scary sees looking back that his father never approved of anything he did and he felt as if he was always walking on eggshells, trying to prevent his father from getting angry, whilst at the same time feeling shameful and guilty. Scary told me he calls these kinds of experiences that everybody has to a certain extent “life” although a therapist might call it “baggage”. One day he looked at himself in the mirror and he realised it was not his problem, it was his father’s. He decided he wanted to find a father that would give him the recognition and guidance his own father had never given him and he chose a guy Honest John. The full story of this is in Scary’s book. Honest John was a tough old guy that Scary saw as a great role model for him. He showed him it was possible to be tough, still be a man and still be loving at the same time.

Scary told me everybody has the ability to choose any family figure, it could be a father or a mother, somebody one feels an emotional connection to. He told me this was a very important message he gives kids through his training, especially kids from difficult backgrounds, where their parents would have had what he described as “bad training”. They might have been addicted to drugs, or be abusive, or have other difficulties. He tells them they have nothing to lose by choosing somebody new and once they try they’ll see if the can do it or not, but they will never be in a worse position than they already are.

He says, “Don’t live in your victimhood.” He told me that he gets many letters on that subject; thousands of letters, and he has at least 20 people or more in Germany who see him as their father, both women and men. We noted that people usually say: “You choose your friends but you cannot choose your family” but Scary feels that is not necessarily so. Why not create your own family? Who wrote the rules? The rules can be re-written. “YOU CREATE YOU.” He believes that you create your own emotional being and you must be responsible for your own life.

St Mary's Church in Hay after the renovation
St Mary’s Church in Hay after the renovation

Scary told me that he has discussed this concept with religious leaders who oppose his thinking because they say God (whoever their God might be) is the only one who can create people. Scary believes human-beings are God-like and they have free-will to create themselves.

Scary told me that equally, many religious people also applaud what he is teaching, and believe he is God’s work. He has been called a “Prophet of Peace” among many other such names and one person insists he is the “Second Coming of Jesus of Nazareth”. He told me that like all comments he gets, he does not pass judgement on what they choose to believe, he thanks the person and lets them live with their beliefs as it is not harmful to anybody and helps them to live their lives with a sense of purpose.

Although we could probably had carried on talking for hours, it was a Thursday, market day and I had to go to work and needed time to digest all the information. So we left it there for the time being.

I leave you links to the previous posts:

Scary's books in Hay-on-Wye, Addyman Books.
Scary’s books in Hay-on-Wye, Addyman Books.

And here the links to get to know more about Scary and follow his work. You might be lucky and he might be coming to a place near you soon!

Scary’s Website:

Join Scary on his Facebook Fan Page


Scary’s Biography: 7 Days & 7 Nights


Thanks Scary and Cathryn for your kindness and for visiting my blog, thanks to all of you for reading, and you know you can like, share, comment and CLICK!


Valentine Day's Special

Let’s Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a bit of poetry.

Love Cakes 1Dear all:

As you know normally I bring you a guest on Fridays. As today is Valentine’s day, I fancied doing something different. I randomly chose some poems I like (I’ve shared some of my other favourite ones when posting about their authors and there are more to come) that I thought were suitable for the day. I decided to post them in English, Spanish and Catalan. You can pick and choose. I could not help but post Shakespeare (I’ve been feeling quite bad for not bringing him as a guest yet, but there is so much I haven’t decided how to do it yet), and e.e. cummings (or E. E. Cummings, he had his own punctuation style) always makes me smile. Regarding Luis Cernuda, I was thinking of a particular poem and looking for it could not help but add another one. The Catalan ones I just like the directness of Vicent Andrés Estellés  and love the song by Serrat (that now I can’t stop singing).

And here they are: 

William Shakespeare

Sonnet XVIII 

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed,
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature’s changing course untrimmed:
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,
Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st,
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.


Sonnet CXVI

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O, no! it is an ever-fixed mark,
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken.
Love’s not Time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle’s compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
  If this be error and upon me proved,
  I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

Sonnet CXXX

My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red, than her lips red:
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damasked, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound:
I grant I never saw a goddess go,
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
And yet by heaven, I think my love as rare,
As any she belied with false compare.

E.E. Cummings (or e e cummings)

i carry your heart with me

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) 


Luís Cernuda

No decía palabras

No decía palabras,
acercaba tan sólo un cuerpo interrogante,
porque ignoraba que el deseo es una pregunta
cuya respuesta no existe,
una hoja cuya rama no existe,
un mundo cuyo cielo no existe.

La angustia se abre paso entre los huesos,
remonta por las venas
hasta abrirse en la piel,
surtidores de sueño
hechos carne en interrogación vuelta a las nubes.

Un roce al paso,
una mirada fugaz entre las sombras,
bastan para que el cuerpo se abra en dos,
ávido de recibir en sí mismo
otro cuerpo que sueñe;
mitad y mitad, sueño y sueño, carne y carne,
iguales en figura, iguales en amor, iguales en deseo.
Auque sólo sea una esperanza
porque el deseo es pregunta cuya respuesta nadie sabe.
Lee todo en: No decía palabras – Poemas de Luis Cernuda



¿Mi tierra?
Mi tierra eres tú.

¿Mi gente?
Mi gente eres tú.

El destierro y la muerte
para mi están adonde
no estés tú.

¿Y mi vida?
Dime, mi vida,
¿qué es, si no eres tú?
Lee todo en: Contigo – Poemas de Luis Cernuda


Vicent Andrés Estellés:

Els amants

No hi havia a València dos amants com nosaltres.

Feroçment ens amàvem del matí a la nit.
Tot ho recorde mentre vas estenent la roba.
Han passat anys, molt anys; han passat moltes coses.
De sobte encara em pren aquell vent o l’amor
i rodolem per terra entre abraços i besos.
No comprenem l’amor com un costum amable,
com un costum pacífic de compliment i teles
(i que ens perdone el cast senyor López-Picó).
Es desperta, de sobte, com un vell huracà,
i ens tomba en terra els dos, ens ajunta, ens empeny.
Jo desitjava, a voltes, un amor educat
i en marxa el tocadiscos, negligentment besant-te,
ara un muscle i després el peço d’una orella.
El nostre amor és un amor brusc i salvatge
i tenim l’enyorança amarga de la terra,
d’anar a rebolcons entre besos i arraps.
Què voleu que hi faça! Elemental, ja ho sé.
Ignorem el Petrarca i ignorem moltes coses.
Les Estances de Riba i les Rimas de Bécquer.
Després, tombats en terra de qualsevol manera,
comprenem que som bàrbars, i que això no deu ser,
que no estem en l’edat, i tot això i allò.

No hi havia a València dos amants com nosaltres,
car d’amants com nosaltres en són parits ben pocs.

Joan Manuel Serrat

Paraules d’amor

Paraules d’amor (Serrat)
Ella em va estimar tant…
Jo me l’estimo encara.
Plegats vam travessar
una porta tancada.

Ella, com us ho podré dir,
era tot el meu món llavors
quan en la llar cremàvem
només paraules d’amor…

Paraules d’amor senzilles i tendres.
No en sabíem més, teníem quinze anys.
No havíem tingut massa temps per aprendre’n,
tot just despertàvem del son dels infants.

En teníem prou amb tres frases fetes
que havíem après d’antics comediants.
D’històries d’amor, somnis de poetes,
no en sabíem més, teníem quinze anys…

Ella qui sap on és,
ella qui sap on para.
La vaig perdre i mai més
he tornat a trobar-la.

Però sovint en fer-se fosc,
de lluny m’arriba una cançó.
Velles notes, vells acords,
velles paraules d’amor…

I could not resist adding the link to the You-Tube video of a very early rendering of ‘Paraules d’amor’ de Serrat (he was very young  there):

And just in case  you fancy a silly game, here it is:

Love calculator:

Thanks for reading, and you know, if you’ve enjoyed it, don’t forget to like, share, comment and especially, love!