Blog hop?

‘The Dark Dozen’ #CharityBookBlitz for a very good cause. We need a heart! (@BPICPromos)


The Dark Dozen: Stories for Scarborough
by Travis Luedke, C.N. Lesley, Danielle DeVor, Maer Wilson, Steven Ramirez, Jody A. Kessler, Louann Carroll, Ross G. Homer, M. Joseph Murphy, Robert P. Wills, Karenne Griffin, and Allan B. Anderson
Genre: Horror, Science Fiction
Release Date: December 2, 2015





This fund-raising anthology of Horror and Sci-Fi short stories was created to benefit Altoine Scarborough, a man in desperate need of a heart transplant. The stories, cover art, formatting, editing and compilation were all donated. Every penny of the royalties we receive will go to Al’s GOFUNDME project. (MW)

Vampires to ghosts to monsters—and futures we won’t want to see come true—fill this collection of dark stories that are sure to give you chills. This stellar, fan-favorite group, which includes award-winning and best-selling authors, brings a unique voice to some familiar and not-so-familiar creatures. Join Travis Luedke, C.N. Lesley, Danielle DeVor, Maer Wilson, Steven Ramirez, Jody A. Kessler, Louann Carroll, Ross G, Homer, M. Joseph Murphy, Robert P. Wills, Karenne Griffin, and Allan B. Anderson for a trip into the Darkness.

BROWN THE RECLUSE by Steven Ramirez – Ted Brown is a man slipping away from reality. Long estranged from his family and living in Seattle, he works at a job he no longer values and lately appears to be losing his memory. But when he discovers a spider in his apartment, that’s when things get really interesting.

THE RAID by Maer Wilson – Gamers are often loyal to their teammates. When Aelan and her friends tackle an evil dragon, that loyalty goes far beyond what anyone expects.

THE BONES by Danielle DeVor – Sometimes, things leave a residue, like the smell left behind when toast is burned. When a medical student brings a skeleton home to study, her child’s life will never be the same.

THE WHISPERING by Karenne Griffin – The small village of Gorland is horrified as their children kill themselves in what appear to be suicide pacts. But there is much more going on and only one child has the key.

THE DIARY OF A MADMAN by Robert P. Wills – Just because others don’t see the ghosts, doesn’t mean they aren’t real.

THE CALL: AN ANGEL FALLS NOVELLA by Jody A. Kessler – Professional shaman and cranky, anti-social ghost hunter, Chris Abeyta, finds spirits and helps them cross over to the afterlife. In his latest case, he and Juliana Crowson find the ghost of a girl trapped by time and a heart-wrenching tale of a camping trip gone terribly wrong.

THE FOUNDLINGS: JENNY’S TALE by Louann Carroll – Technology meets morality when Jenny loses her only friend. Terrified and alone she must choose between reentering the world or living the rest of her life in the dark.

MUMANS by Ross G. Homer – He found love in the most unlikely place. But could he keep the love he found?

A TALE OF TWO QUEENS AND A FROZEN HEART by Allan B. Anderson – Reily, an experienced troubleshooter, is hired to find two teams who have gone missing in a frozen wasteland. But even his skills may not be enough to survive what he discovers.

THE VAMPIRE AND THE VALIANT WARRIOR by M. Joseph Murphy – A noble thief in search of ancient treasure stumbles upon the den of a sadistic vampire.

HELL IS NEVER FULL by C.N. Lesley – When the seed of hate is sown it puts forth shoots of malice that bear flowers of evil. Time has no meaning for revenge.

DREAMS OF NIGHTLIFE LAS VEGAS by Travis Luedke – An author has an unexpected encounter with one of his most dangerous – and sexy – creations.

For more information about Al’s situation or to donate directly to his GoFundMe project, please check out these links below:

Any support to help save Al’s life will be deeply appreciated.
Al’s GOFUNDME Page –
Al’s Facebook Page – WE HEART AL –

To read more about Al’s story and how this anthology came about, visit Maer Wilson’s website.




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Blog hop?

#Walking on Sunshine Blog Hop Party. Ailsa Abraham.

Hi all:

Hugh Roberts from  Hugh’s Views and News is hosting a blog hop party.It’s wonderful to be able to invite you all to enjoy the promised sunshine now that Spring has arrived. I was invited to join by Lord David Prosser himself, a great blogger, a generous man, and an envoi to the Queen (don’t miss his books to learn more).

I had great problems choosing only one blogger and was tempted to invite many, although suspect we’re all bound to be inviting each other, and as I was thinking, I read a post by Ailsa Abraham, a great author, a witty blogger (The Bingergread Cottage, a must read, recently with great interviews), an otter with a very peculiar style, honest to a fault, and who can make you laugh and a second later have you in tears. And, who I recently discovered has a beautiful voice too. And I though, yes, who wouldn’t want Ailsa in a party!

Ailsa Abraham
Ailsa Abraham

Here what she says about herself in her page:

From my home in rural France, the little village under the mountain, an hour from everywhere, I’ll be updating you on my writing, quirky things that happen here and welcoming other authors into the Bingergread Cottage. It’s called that because it’s an upside-down house (more space up than down) and so the reverse of the usual witch’s dwelling.

Dip into the liquorice all-sorts box and see what you come up with. Shamanism, healing, writing or any of my other varied interests? You’ll probably get to meet my hounds, Titch and Lily and the Old Feller himself, The Ancient Mariner. Don’t forget to come back regularly to check for competitions, special offers, free short stories and work in progress.

If you are wondering…why the otters? Well they are one of my totem animals and my Shaman name is Otter, Ottie to my friends. Watch out for lots of pictures of them in this blog.

And her two books:

Shaman's Drum by Ailsa Abraham
Shaman’s Drum by Ailsa Abraham
Alchemy by Ailsa Abraham
Alchemy by Ailsa Abraham

Here is her page in Amazon.


Like everything, this blog hop has a few Rules/Guidelines.


  1. Choose a fellow blogger who you think spreads blog love.
  2. Write a short post about them.
  3. Entitle your post Walking On Sunshine Blog Hop Party (so others can find your post).
  4. Create a pingback to this post, so that the link appears in the comments section, so that other participants can read your post.
  5. If you are not sure how to create a pingback, then copy and paste the link to your post in the comments section below (so that other participants can read your post)

I was in two minds about inviting more people but I’ll leave it up to Hugh to make his own rules.

Have a great spring, don’t forget to visit everybody, and have fun! 

Blog hop?

Conoce a mis personajes blog hop, más o menos.

Hola a todos:

Una gran escritora y bloguera, Jo Robinson, me invitó a un blog hop (como una cadena) que se llama ‘Conoce a mis personajes’. Yo no suelo participar en estas cosas porque siento que pones a alguien en un compromiso y mucha gente no tiene demasiado tiempo para dedicarle al blog, pero por si acaso os parece una buena idea responder a las preguntas para hablar de vuestros personajes, las comparto y os cuento algo sobre el libro que estoy preparando.

Cupcake flower
Cupcake flower

1. ¿Cuál es el nombre de tu personaje? ¿Es él / ella de ficción o un personaje histórico?

Me he decidido a hablar de la novela en la que estoy trabajando ahora (la versión inglesa está acabada y la estoy corriegiendo, así que … ¡deseadme suerte!). El título de momento (que probablemente será definitivo) es ‘I Love Your Cupcakes’ (Me encantan tus cupcakes). Hay dos personajes principales (bueno, tres, aunque dos aparecen un poco más que el tercero), Dulce y Adelfa. Se trata de dos amigas de la infancia y son ficticios. El tercero se llama Sebastián, aunque prefiere que le llamen Storm y es medio-hermano de Adelfa.

2. ¿Cuándo y dónde se desarrolla la historia?

La historia se sitúa en la actual EE.UU., aunque no en una ciudad específica sino en algún lugar de mi imaginación. Espero que exista algún sitio similar y me encantaría visitar e incluso vivir allí.

3. ¿Qué debemos saber sobre él / ella?

Dulce tiene unos treinta años. Su madre era española y se murió cuando Dulce era muy joven. Tenía muchos amigos y era una gran cocinera. Su padre, un ingeniero, se volvió a casar con la madre de su mejor amiga, Adelfa, que es el otro personaje principal en el libro. Adelfa estudió Química, como su madre, y da clases en la universidad.

4. ¿Cuál es el conflicto principal? ¿Qué le complica la vida?

Dulce ha probado a hacer muchas cosas en la vida, pero no ha logrado encontrar su verdadera vocación. Animada por Adelfa decide tratar de montar su propio negocio, y con Adelfa y su medio hermano de Adelfa, Storm, montan una pastelería muy especial. La historia transcurre en dos períodos de tiempo, uno que cubre la creación de la tienda, y el otro, unos años más tarde, cuando el equipo está participando en un concurso de cocina de la tele.

5. ¿Cuál es el objetivo personal del personaje?

Dulce quiere demostrar que se le puede dar bien algo y que tiene talento. Adelfa es muy buena en su trabajo, pero no consigue que sus relaciones amorosas le funcionen. Ella quiere llegar a tener tanto éxito en su vida personal como en su vida profesional.

6. ¿Tienes algún título para esta novela, y podemos leer más sobre ella?

‘I Love Your Cupcakes’ (Me encantan tus cupcakes). En un momento de la novela un personaje masculino, Rock,  le dice a Dulce “Me encantan tus ojos” y ella comenta que eso representa un cambio con respecto a   ‘Me encantan tus pasteles o tus cupcakes “que es lo que le dicen los hombres casi siempre. Suelo actualizar mi página web y todas mis conexiones con las redes, y definitivamente iré publicando  avances en mi blog.

http / /

7. ¿Cuándo podemos esperar que sea publicado el libro?

Estoy corrigiendo y editando la versión inglesa. Luego lo traduciré así que probablemente en otoño si no hay contratiempos. Creo que podrías ser un buen regalo de Navidad.

Gracias a todos por leer, ya sabéis que podéis darle al me gusta, comentar, compartir y hacer CLIC si os apetece, y a los escritores que estéis preparando nueva obra, si queréis llevaros las preguntas y seguir rodando con el blog, consideraros invitados.

Seaside N. 1 Fire Station (MA)
Seaside N. 1 Fire Station (MA)

Sí, he puesto una foto de un parque de bomberos deliberadamente. Y sí, tiene relación con el libro. Y ahora, a esperar y a leérselo!

Por cierto, una de  mis seguidoras (amiga, escritora, y con un gran blog, Teagan Geneviene) me recordó mis tableros de Pinterest. Tengo dos relacionados con este libro, así que pensé que igual os interesaba visitarlos.

En uno tengo pins de cupcakes, pasteles, y cosas dulces en general:

En el otro, parques de bomberos y cosas relacionadas…(y no, no os digo por qué, aunque igual lo adivináis).

Yo sigo añadiendo pins cuando tengo la ocasión y si encontráis alguno, ya me diréis!

Blog hop?

Meet My Characters Blog-Hop. Well, sort of.

Hi all:

Author Jo Robinson
Author Jo Robinson

As you might or might not have noticed, I stopped participating in blogging awards or blog hops that involved nominating other people as I always preferred to make sure the person would have time to do it or it fitted in with their schedule (I tend to prepare and schedule my posts in advance and I know others do too), and found it very time consuming. When wonderful Jo Robinson author of The Ghost Writer Chronicles, a writer and blogger I admire and follow, who produces great content, finds true jewels (I always look forward to her funny posts early in the week) very generous sharing and reblogging other authors, tagged me onto the Meet My Main Characters blog hop unexpectedly, I found myself in a quandary. On the one hand, I’m aware there were at least a couple of other writer friends who had asked if I would take part (I think it was this blog hop although there is also the writing process one doing the rounds, so I’m not so sure), and I told them I didn’t take part in these things any longer. I also realised most of the authors I know have already taken part in it. I did ask one person who said no. On the other hand I thought I should at least thank Jo…And it might be as good a chance as any other to tell you a bit about the book I’m working on (I’ve completed the draft and I’m editing it. As I’ll also publish it in Spanish there’s some time to go yet). And although I won’t nominate anybody, if somebody who hasn’t taken part yet and reads this post wants to do it, please be my guests!

Lesser Being, Emmeline (draft cover) by Jo Robinson
Lesser Being, Emmeline (draft cover) by Jo Robinson

And without further ado, here are the questions.

1. What is the name of your character? Is he/she fictional or a historic person?

I’ve decided to talk about the novel in progress I’m working on now. My working title (that it’s likely to be the final one) is ‘I Love Your Cupcakes’. There are two main characters (well, three, although two appear a bit more than the third one), Dulce and Adelfa. They are two childhood friends and they’re fictional. The third one, Sebastian, who prefers to be called Storm, is half-brother of Adelfa. But that’s a whole story in its own right and you’ll have to read the book to know about it.

2. When and where is the story set?

The story is set in modern day US, although the place is somewhere in my imagination. I hope a similar place exists and I’d love to visit and even live there.

3. What should we know about him/her?

Dulce is in her early thirties. Her mother was Spanish and she lost her when she was quite young. She had many friends and was a great cook. Her father, an engineer, married the mother of her best friend, Adelfa, who is the other main character in the book. Adelfa studied Chemistry, like her mother, and she teaches at university. Storm is an artist.

4. What is the main conflict? What messes up his/her life?

Dulce has tried many things in life but hasn’t managed to find her true calling. Encouraged by Adelfa she decides to try and go into business, and with Adelfa and Adelfa’s half-brother, Storm they set up a pretty special cake shop. The story takes place in two periods of time, one covering the setting up of the shop, and one, a few years later, when the team have been entered into a TV baking competition.

5. What is the personal goal of the character?

Dulce wants to prove that she can be good at something and has a talent. Adelfa is very good at her job but doesn’t seem to manage to make any of her relationships last. She wants to become as successful in her personal life as she is in her professional life.

Cupcake flower
Cupcake flower

6. Is there a working title for this novel, and can we read more about it?

I Love Your Cupcakes. At some point in the novel a character tells Dulce ‘I love your eyes’ and she observes that it makes a change from ‘I love your cakes or your cupcakes’ that is what she hears most of the time. I tend to update my website and my social media sites with news, and I’ll definitely be posting in my blog with updates.


7. When can we expect the book to be published?

I’m in the process of correcting and editing it. I always publish my books both in Spanish and English so there’s the process of translation yet to come but I hope sometime in the Autumn…I think it would make a nice Christmas present.

As I mentioned I’m not going to be tagging anybody, but if anyone wants to tell us something about their characters, please, I’d love to hear, and don’t worry about tagging me back!

Thanks for reading and if you’ve enjoyed it please, share, comment, like and of course, take part if you want! And CLICK!

Seaside N. 1 Fire Station (MA)
Seaside N. 1 Fire Station (MA)

And yes, there is a reason why I post a picture of a fire-station. And it has to do with the book…Now, you’ll have to wait and read it!

By the way, Teagan Geneviene (thanks Teagan!) just reminded me of my Pinterest boards. I have two that are related to the book. One has cupcakes, sweets and treats, and I can’t help adding more to it, so you might want to check it (but not if you’re hungry!):

And the other one has fire-stations and related things (no, I’m not telling you why…but you might work it out):

If you find relevant pins, let me know! I keep adding on to my collection! Thanks!