Reblogs Traducciones/Translations Uncategorized

Letter S The April A to Z Blogging Challenge #AtoZChallenge

Thanks so much to Luccia Gray for asking me to contribute to her A to Z challenge talking about translations.

Rereading Jane Eyre

April Author Spotlight 2015

Letter ‘S’ is for Olga Nuñez Miret, Spanish Translator and author


Why do I recommend translating your novel into Spanish?

Spanish is spoken by 410 million as a first language and by 90 million speakers as a second language. English has 360 million native speakers and 400 million speakers as a second language. By second language I mean people who speak the language as well as another language fluently. That means that there are almost 1,300 million fluent speakers of English and Spanish. That’s a huge number of people. It’s 300 million speakers more than Mandarin Chinese. (There are also over 600 million speakers of English as a foreign language with varying degrees of competency, but these are not included in the figures I’ve mentioned). It sounds like a good idea to have your book available to a wider audience, but I’ll let Olga tell you…

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