
Mongo Slane. The Man and his Music. And two songs!


Hello all: I know I promised you a surprise, and here it is! Today I’m bringing you something different. I’ve been inviting authors to contribute to my blog but I thought I’d try something different. So here is: Mongo Slane! I met Mongo Slane through Twitter (you will already have noticed that I’m met many people through Twitter, although a lot of them are writers) and he shared one of his songs with me. I loved it so I retweeted it and shared it on Facebook. Since them he’s kept me informed of his new songs, videos and performances. And I thought…everybody likes music. Not everybody likes all types of music, but music can connect with people and say so much…

I asked Mongo Slane if he would be a guest in my blog and he kindly agreed. I post his biography, some of his pictures, links to U-tube, and if I can manage to download them, a couple of his fantastic songs…

And without further ado….MONGO SLANE!

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To find one’s purpose in life is not an easy journey. A dark path Mongo Slane knows too well. From fulfilling crime sprees to handling the pressures ofIMG_0600 those who depend on his success; Mongo understands that success does not come from one’s status, but it comes from the recognition of being a man.  The journey starts in Memphis, Tennessee, where Mongo Slane was born. As a boy, he was quickly moved across the world including Italy, Portugal, and Greece before his family made Dallas, Texas a permanent home.

IMG_0587The days get darker, when the boy becomes a teen lurking in the shadows of some of Dallas’s desolate areas. His passion for music, the only source of light, buried deep within his soul. “I’ve always been in love with music and I know I can be successful in the music business, but I also was in love with…stealin cars and sellin dope mostly.” After three felony charges and many years in prison, Mongo Slane’s dark path took a turn towards something more enlightening. “I want to reach people with my music… and be able to give back to those less fortunate.” Ironically, the name he chose to bear as a rap artist represents his philosophy. Taken from a 1975 film called “Let’s Do It Again” featuring Sidney Poitier and Bill Cosby, the two main characters were using street hustling tactics to raise money for a noble cause. Cosby’s character created Mongo Slade.  However, due to trademark infringement with another rap artist, “Slade” had to be changed to “Slane.”

With a new way of life and a desire to help people in need, Mongo Slane has a different determination to being successful than relying on music stardom. As a man, he has realized that his friends and family are the source of his inspiration. “They push me to do better and to make the right IMG_0690choices.” Mongo Slane has made the correct decisions. He has recently worked alongside Chamillionaire and Bun B with Boomtown Productions on a movie soundtrack. Additionally, he is in the process of becoming a certified barber, so he can run his own legitimate operation. It seems, while many fall back into the gap, Mongo Slane creates bridges. With the release of his single “What’s Up” and his upcoming album “DON’T JUDGE ME” and “LATE BLOOMER” fans will respect Mongo Slane’s journey and will help celebrate his victory. “I really don’t know my purpose…… maybe God will tell me.”




And now, two of his songs! I hope you love them as much as I do!


02 Hold On


04 I feel like I’m all alone (1)

And now for some links, to I-tunes where you can purchase HOLD ON  and you can also follow Mongo Slane on U-tube.

Thanks for reading and listening and thanks to Mongo for sharing his life and music with us:

NOW AVAILABLE ON #iTunes HOLD ON pls download

Follow Mongo Slane in U-tube:

And before I leave you, on Friday, I bring you an author friend and his musings: Jon Gardener!
