New books

#Newbook ‘The River’ by Patrick Jones (@PatrickJones56). You’ve been warned!

Hi all:

It’s Friday and day for new books. And today it’s time to get scared, really scared.

I met Patrick Jones and family (they are great supporters of his writing) on Twitter and I’ve been following his career ever since. He blogs about writing, shares fascinating videos of his garden, and is generous sharing other writers’ work.

Author Patrick Jones
Author Patrick Jones

Pat Jones was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. His special interests include the science of paleoanthropology and archaeology.  Woodworking is one of his favorite hobbies, with special emphasis on the unique grains and textures of various species of trees. He and his wife, Sandy, thrive on designing and creating a flower garden of perennials, second to none! Constantly evolving, the garden began as a way that he could surprise his wife on her birthday. The rest is history! The garden now spans one forth of an acre!
When their children graduated from school, the couple relocated to rural Missouri where they now reside with their four dogs. The love of the area, in combination with the uniqueness of the people, provided the impedance for “The Wolf’s Moon”.
A new story that takes place in the same universe as Wolf’s Moon (Patrick was kind enough to clarify it isn’t a sequel but an independent story) is already with us, and I couldn’t resist bringing it to you, as it has received a great deal of attention.

Here, The River

Ther river, by Patrick Jones
Ther river, by Patrick Jones

The River by Patrick Jones will keep you reading, on the edge of your seat AND out of the water…”
Chris Graham The Story Reading Ape
Amazon UK /Goodreads UK Reviewer)

In rural Missouri, Crawford County has had more than its share of wildlife problems. Not even a year earlier the woods were home to a vicious killer brought back from extinction.
In the novel, The Wolf’s Moon, Mark Lansdowne and his pal, Warren Skruggs, sent them back…but at a cost. Now something is haunting the rivers in Crawford County.
The Missouri State Water Patrol must solve the deaths of several residents who died in The River but can they stop this menace before more people are killed?

And I have to share the video. Do you dare to watch it? You’ve been warned!

I leave you links to some posts about the book, so you can learn even more about it:

And the link to an interview with the author that is unmissable:

Thanks to Patrick Jones, for scaring us all, thanks to you for reading and you know what to do, like, share, comment, and CLICK (if you dare!) !