
Art at the Altar. Arts and crafts for #Christmas at Penistone

Hi all:


Susan Allen from The English Informer in the UK and The English Informer in France asked me if I could contribute an article to her web magazines on the subject of Christmas. I had to admit I’ve never been overly fond of Christmas, or at least not since I’ve been a grown up. I don’t have a large family and we aren’t particularly traditional either. Due to my job I worked quite a few Christmases (hospitals don’t close) and once I was assaulted on Christmas Day (in Washington DC, just outside Arlington Cemetery. But that’s another story). I won’t moan about the commercialisation of Christmas (you’re welcome to add your thoughts) but there’s a sense of duty to be in the seasonal spirit and a forced cheerfulness that only makes people whose circumstance might not be that merry feel worse. But now that I’ve put you on a happy mood, let me talk about something I like about Christmas and very local to me.


Among the joys (?) of Christmas are the traditional Christmas cards and Christmas presents. And although trying to get presents if you leave it too close to the date can be stressful and challenging, there are also options that make for an interesting experience and can broaden our horizons. I like Christmas markets (although again you might want to avoid high peaks of activity if you can), and there are also smaller events that make the best out of the season.


A few years back we had plenty of snow in November (we had the first snow of the year recently too) and I decided not to drive over the weekend. It wasn’t the first year I’d seen something called ‘Art at the Altar’ advertised at St John’s Church in Penistone.  (Facebook page: The church is well-worth a visit in its own right and is very active locally (including recently hosting a beer festival) but at that point I had never managed to go visit ‘Art in the Altar’. But that year I did, and since I’ve become a big fan.


The event, organised by Hens Teeth  a collective of local artist, offers the opportunity to see lovely craft items exhibited in the wonderful setting of the church, and they are for sale, so you can buy unique gifts for Christmas, at reasonable prices, and support local artists and charity (as 20% of the sales go to charitable organisations). There are also drinks and cakes available, so you can make a day (or at least a morning or an afternoon) of it.


You can find a bit of all: textiles, glass, pottery, jewellery, illustrated books, wood, scarfs and handbags, Christmas decorations, paintings and drawings…


I include a few of my pictures (you might notice I am somewhat partial to owls) for this  year’s event but Hens Teeth also provide a link in their website to experience a 360 degree view of the 2010 event. Click here and have a look!


If you are near, check their page as they have events organised around the region, and if you’re not, explore the area where you live as you’re likely to find talented artist and craft events a stone’s throw from you. You won’t only be supporting local artists and crafts but you’ll also have a great time.


Thank you all for reading and remember to like, share, comment and CLICK!


By olganm

I am a language teacher, writer, bookworm, and collaborator at Sants 3 Ràdio (a local radio station in Barcelona, where I returned in 2018), who lived in the UK for 25 years and worked for many years as a forensic psychiatrist there. I also have a Ph.D. in American Literature and an MSc in Criminology. I started publishing my stories, in English and Spanish, in 2012 and now have over twenty books available in a variety of genres, a blog (in English and Spanish), and translate books for other authors (English-Spanish and vice versa). In 2020 obtained the CELTA certificate as a language teacher, and offer Spanish and English classes. Writers and readers both in English and Spanish are my friends, colleagues, and allies, and after living in the UK for over twenty-five years, have returned home, to Barcelona, Spain, searching for inspiration for my stories. I also love owls and try to keep fit following fitness YouTube videos.
Do feel free to connect with me. Here are:
My website/blog:

43 replies on “Art at the Altar. Arts and crafts for #Christmas at Penistone”

WhT a post. Sort of revolution but sticking to the pious day so beautifully. I m a Hindu but do t know my head also bows in reverence to Jesus for the message He gave You have included unbelievably bfully decorated churches which soothes eyes Loved it


Great post, Olga. I feel much the same way as you about Christmas…
The crafts fair looks great — I do enjoy that kind of thing, but haven’t been to one in ages. Sooo… which of the pretty owls did you get??? 😀 Mega hugs!


Thanks Teagan. Yes, I think we’ve talked about this before. This year I didn’t get any (if you can believe that!). I couldn’t resist when I went by to take a few pictures for the post and planned to go back with more time but that didn’t materialise…I have some from last year…:)

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I’m rather sad that Christmas doesn’t generate great feelings for you, dear Olga – for me, it’s my time of year (starting with my name), But I have lots of great memories associated with it. I do like Christmas markets, although they are not frequent in this area. We do have fall and spring festivals with lots of hand made goods. Maybe you can focus on small things – as you said, the cards and gifts – and find some quiet time for yourself!


Thanks Noelle. You definitely have the right name for it. People can get in a frenzy over it, and to me it should be about other things. I happened to have to go to get a couple of non-Christmas related things to the shops and regretted having gone (and came back without them). I always top by crafts fairs and festivals if I happen upon them. Have a fabulous Christmas.


It looks absolutely lovely, Olga, and if someone is struggling to get into the festive swing of things, I suspect that would do the trick!


Julie went to the large Christmas Market/Craft Fair in the Norwich Showground recently. She managed to buy some lovely handmade gifts and craft items to give as presents. I am not a huge fan of the season, which I have found to be false and contrived as I get older. By contrast, I loved it as a child in the 1950s/60s, when it was a simpler time, shared by a close and extended family.
Best wishes as always, Pete. x


I share your feelings about the season, Pete. I do my best to try and ignore it but it requires a lot of effort. It is a good time at least for craft artists (much better than just the usual high street store fare). Have a good week. 😉


We’re only two left in my immediate family and we’re not going to be spending Christmas together. I don’t mind the sentiment and the tradition behind it, it’s all the fuss and the pressure…


For someone not too fond of Christmas, you did a fine post about it! I’m with you, though–I’m not so fond of this holiday, either (not too fond of any holiday, actually). I gave up sending cards long ago. I don’t put up decorations, and I give to charities rather than give gifts to people. I choose to take each day as it comes and celebrate when the spirit moves me–not when society tells me I should! 😐


Yes. I’m with you totally. If there’s something you enjoy it about it, do it… I’ve also stopped sending cards…I agree. Let’s celebrate when you feel like it. Be well, Lorna.

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Lovely pics. What a pretty church. Pity Spanish churches don’t celebrate with markets etc. Just a nativity scene. I stopped enjoying Christmas for a while, but now I gave grandchildren and it’s great again!


In some places they do, Luccia. In front of the Cathedral in Barcelona they have the fair of Santa LLúcia (Precisely your name Saint that is celebrated in December (13th), and they sell Christmas related things although also presents and craft things…
It was one of the things I enjoyed about Christmas. I’m pleased you enjoy it now. It’s a magical time for kids, for sure.
I agree St. John’s is lovely. Grade I listed building, parts of it very old (XI c.).
Have a lovely time

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I think you’d love them both! There’s supposed to be a Christmas market and the switching of lights today here in Penistone, although the weather is very bad (rain and wind), so not sure what will happen. Have a lovely weekend, Luccia.

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Status Quo
Untitled We are all humans .

There is no doubt, even though this poem is 16 years old, the this type of problem

is now a lot worse than back then.

Status Quo

For now the streets are cluttered:

The poor kill off the poor,

But this won’t last forever

If the “Quo” keeps getting worse.

Guns for sale in neighborhoods

Where crime is the only living

Quarts and vials and bullets

Take without ever giving.

“Innocent” bystanders

Are the ones to blame.

Standing by in times like these

Leaves everything the same.

The quo goes “living standards

Will be on the decline.”

While multi-national barons

Continue their money climb.

No chums around a fireplace

When you can’t pay the bills.

While money-man is traveling

In search of bigger thrills.

Sooner rather than later

The poor will raise their arms.

Replacing all the suited men

Regardless of the harm.

The system as we know it’

Is fading thanks to this:

The greedy haven’t realized

Their life ain’t worth a piss.

The ticking clock inside the bomb

Has passed the witching hour.

There is little hope for most,

So when will freedom flower?

It will when people with the time

Turn to lend a hand,

It will when greedy governors

Give back a hunk of land

The quo has made it possible

For us to live like rats.

Your life to them means nothing

You could end up a stat.

As the status quo gets worse

Violence rules the day.

We better help each other now.

Let us pray.


Totally agree…but so sorry about your incident at Arlington…sometimes you just wonder what the heck kind of people are out there. But we love the arts and crafts sales too because the gifts are so original and help the people making the gifts as well. It has become too commercialized though when they start in July pushing the marketing. I also like the smaller events…sometimes it is much more serene to just think about all of the blessings throughout the year. Merry Christmas, Olga!


Thanks Patrick and Sandy. The Arlington thing was quite weird indeed. I guess I was lucky because the police turned up and rescued me. They were very nice and one of the police officers offered to show me around with his wife if I went back. I suspected the attacker (who looked like a homeless guy) might have wanted to be in prison and out of the cold but there must be better ways around it.
Yes, it’s true everything is very commercialized…
Thanks so much and blessings all year round!


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