Reseñas de libros Reviews

#Bookreview #TuesdayBookBlog A bilingual post. Un post bilingüe. ‘The Blue Crimes’ by Enrique Laso (@enriquelaso). ‘Los crímenes azules’ de Enrique Laso. An intriguing case and even more intriguing investigator. Un caso con mucha intriga y un investigador aún más intrigante.

Hi all/Hola a todos:

Today I bring you a review and a bilingual post. I realised that I was taking part in a blog tour tomorrow and I didn’t want to go overboard with posts, and as I had read a novel available in English and Spanish and I had some news related to it, I thought I’d do a bilingual post sharing my review. Enrique Laso is a Spanish author I met a while back through social media and several groups of authors I know.

The Blue Crimes by Enrique Laso
The Blue Crimes by Enrique Laso

The Blue Crimes by Enrique Laso. An intriguing case and even more intriguing investigator.

The Blue Crimes is the first book in Enrique Laso’s collection of Ethan Bush Thrillers. Ethan Bush is a young FBI agent, one of the most promising, top of his Psychology class at Stanford and self-assured, or so he seems. He arrives to Jefferson County fresh from solving a serial murder case in Detroit and expectations are running high.

The story is told in first person from the point of view of Bush, and that is one of the most interesting aspects of the novel. If the actual procedural investigation, the process of solving the murders of two young girls that are very similar in details to a murder committed 17 years ago is gripping (and I particularly enjoyed the setting in small town America, with the prejudices and the difficulty understanding and fitting into the mentality of the place that it brings to the big city investigators), I found the insight into Ethan Bush’s mind even more interesting. Why?

Well, he is an intelligent man. He knows it and he’s reminded of that by quite a few of the characters he comes into contact with (sometimes in great contrast with some of the witnesses they come across). His intelligence does not always help him, though. Characters who are far less intelligent than him (the sheriff, local investigators, even his mother…) contribute greatly to the success of his mission. He acknowledges and admires the morality of some people (Jim Worth, a solid character that would make his perfect side-kick and foil, and I hope we’ll come across him again in the series), but he’s not squeaky-clean and has no qualms crossing the line of the ethically correct when he thinks it’s necessary to solve a case (not strictly for his own benefit). He has weaknesses that include his irresistible attraction to Vera, one of the witnesses, but also a suspect. He is somewhat obsessive in his methodology and has to be in control of everything, to the point of preferring keeping handwritten notebooks (in Moleskin, that become his trademark) as he does not like to be dependent on technology that could let him down. And during the book, he becomes as obsessed with running as he is with everything else, to the point of putting off the questioning of suspects to not disturb his running schedule. Running means more to him than the simple exercise, but we only become aware of this later on. (By the way, I am aware that the author is a runner himself and he has written non-fiction books about it so this would add to the interest for those who are keen runners.) Despite Ethan’s constant analysing everything and thinking non-stop (to the point of getting severe headaches although they could well be psychosomatic), he is not the most self-aware of characters, and keeps missing clues and hiding stuff because of his own unresolved issues. But those issues are what make him fascinating.

Ethan Bush is not the most likeable hero and has many flaws, and that is a plus for me. He is a man searching for explanations, about the case and about himself. And he never gives up. He’ll go as far as he has to, whatever that might cost him.

I’m not sure how challenging you’ll find the book if you’re one of these people whose main enjoyment is working out who the guilty party is (I did guess who it was early on, but I kept wondering if I was right) but if you enjoy complex characters, a solid story and interesting dynamics, I think this series could keep us guessing for a long time.


Paperback:  $11.95 (

Kindle: $3.07

Author page:

I interviewed Enrique for Lit World Interviews. Here is the link to that interview.

The news I mentioned was that I am going to be translating the second novel in the series. So I’m very excited about it! Check the first one out and I’ll keep you posted on the second (that in Spanish has been a best-seller for weeks even before its release).

Y ahora, en español. Quería aprovechar que he leído una novela que está disponible en inglés y español (y que he leído en las dos versiones) para compartir un post bilingüe (ya que mañana participo en un blog tour). Y tengo noticias, que compartiré después de la reseña.

Los crímenes azules

Los crímenes azules de Enrique Laso. Un caso con mucha intriga y un investigador aún más intrigante.

Los crímenes azules es el primer libro en la colección de thrillers protagonizados por Ethan Bush y escritos por Enrique Laso. Ethan Bush es un joven agente del FBI, uno de los más prometedores, el número uno de su clase de Psicología en Standford, y muy seguro de sí mismo, o eso parece. Llega al condado de Jefferson cuando acaba de resolver un asesinato en serie en Detroit y se espera mucho de él.

La historia está narrada en primera persona desde el punto de vista de Bush, y ese es uno de los aspectos más interesantes de la novela. Si la investigación en sí y el proceso de resolver los asesinatos de dos chicas jóvenes que se parecen mucho a un asesinato cometido hace 17 años es fascinante (y a mí me gustó en particular el que la historia se desarrollara en una pequeña población americana, lo que conlleva observar los prejuicios de los investigadores de la gran ciudad a los que se les hace difícil integrarse y entender la mentalidad de los habitantes), yo encontré las revelaciones de los procesos mentales de Ethan Bush mucho más interesantes. ¿Por qué?

Bueno, Ethan es un hombre inteligente. Él lo sabe y se lo recuerdan muchos de los personajes (y no todos los testigos son tan inteligentes como él ni de lejos). Su inteligencia no siempre le es de gran ayuda. Personajes que son bastante menos inteligentes que él (el sheriff, la policía local, incluso su propia madre… ) hacen contribuciones importantes al éxito de la misión. Él reconoce y admira la moralidad de algunas personas (especialmente Jim Worth, un carácter muy sólido y que podría convertirse en su mano derecha y su conciencia, y confío en que nos lo encontremos más adelante en la serie), pero no es intachable y no duda a la hora de cruzar la línea de lo éticamente correcto si cree que es necesario para resolver el caso (y no estrictamente en beneficio propio). Tiene sus debilidades, incluyendo la atracción irresistible que siente por Vera, una de las testigos, pero también una sospechosa. Es algo obsesivo en sus métodos y tiene que tenerlo todo bajo control, hasta el punto de preferir escribir notas en un cuaderno (Moleskin, que se convierte en su marca personal) porque no le gusta tener que depender de la tecnología ya que podría fallarle.  Y durante el libro se obsesiona con volver a correr, hasta el punto de retrasar el interrogatorio de un sospechoso para no tener que cambiar su programa de entrenamiento. Correr significa para él mucho más que simplemente hacer ejercicio, aunque solo nos damos cuenta de ello más adelante. (Por cierto, sé que el autor es un corredor avezado y ha escrito libros sobre el tema así que eso podría hacerlo aún más interesante para gente a le que le guste correr.) A pesar de que Ethan está constantemente analizándolo todo y no para de pensar (lo que le lleva a sufrir severos dolores de cabeza, aunque también es probable que sean psicosomáticos), no se conoce muy bien a sí mismo, y se le escapan pistas y se oculta detalles debido a sus propios problemas sin resolver. Pero esos problemas son los que lo hacen fascinante.

Ethan Bush no es un héroe de atractivo irresistible y tiene muchas imperfecciones, y eso es un punto a su favor, en mi opinión. Es un hombre a la búsqueda de soluciones, para el caso y para sus propios problemas. Y nunca abandona. Irá tan lejos como haga falta, le cueste lo que le cueste.

No sé si los lectores que disfrutan especialmente del reto de averiguar quién es el culpable lo encontrarán a la medida de sus talentos (yo sospeché quién lo era bastante temprano, aunque la novela me hizo dudar muchas veces) pero si disfrutáis de personajes complicados con relaciones interesantes y una historia bien escrita, creo que esta serie tiene el potencial de engancharnos y mantenernos en vilo por mucho tiempo.




¿Y mis noticias? Pues que voy a traducir la segunda novela en la serie (publicada el 7 de Noviembre) Los cadáveres no sueñan al inglés. La novela lleva varias semanas en las listas de best-sellers, y eso es antes de su publicación, así que tengo muchas ganas. Os mantendré informados.

Thank you to Enrique Laso for his book, thank you all for reading, and please, like, share, comment and CLICK!

Gracias a Enrique Laso por su novela, gracias a vosotros por leer, y por favor, dadle al me gusta, comentad, compartid y haced CLIC!

By olganm

I am a language teacher, writer, bookworm, and collaborator at Sants 3 Ràdio (a local radio station in Barcelona, where I returned in 2018), who lived in the UK for 25 years and worked for many years as a forensic psychiatrist there. I also have a Ph.D. in American Literature and an MSc in Criminology. I started publishing my stories, in English and Spanish, in 2012 and now have over twenty books available in a variety of genres, a blog (in English and Spanish), and translate books for other authors (English-Spanish and vice versa). In 2020 obtained the CELTA certificate as a language teacher, and offer Spanish and English classes. Writers and readers both in English and Spanish are my friends, colleagues, and allies, and after living in the UK for over twenty-five years, have returned home, to Barcelona, Spain, searching for inspiration for my stories. I also love owls and try to keep fit following fitness YouTube videos.
Do feel free to connect with me. Here are:
My website/blog:

22 replies on “#Bookreview #TuesdayBookBlog A bilingual post. Un post bilingüe. ‘The Blue Crimes’ by Enrique Laso (@enriquelaso). ‘Los crímenes azules’ de Enrique Laso. An intriguing case and even more intriguing investigator. Un caso con mucha intriga y un investigador aún más intrigante.”

I tried signing to the site, Elissa, but the form is designed asking for a zip code and won’t accept a UK postcode. As I don’t live in the US I am unable to sign. Let me know if that changes. All the best!


I tried again. It will only accept zip codes to enter. I’ll send an e-mail when I can, but if you want reviewers from other places and not only the US you’ll have to change the form. I tried signing with Facebook but it still asks the same details later, so no good option.


Yet again, another book I am tempted to add to my long list….Having lived and worked in the states for 28 years this book would appeal to me on many levels. I always enjoy your reviews…they are concise and clear and enable me to get real feel of the overall rhythm of the book in question. Thank you. Janet:)


Thanks so much, Janet. Enrique has plenty of books out on a variety of subjects, but I think this book is a winner. I’m enjoying the translation of the second one in the series too. Have a great week!


Flawed heroes are always better than perfect ones, I have to agree. This sounds like a good addition to a rather crowded genre, with the running element likely to appeal to a wider market. Good luck to Enrique, I hope he does well with his work.
Best wishes, Pete.


Thanks, Pete. Yes, it always adds to the intrigue when the investigators are interesting in their own right, and it’s not all about the story (I guess one is trying to solve the mystery of the mystery solver). Enrique has had good reviews from people on the job too. I’m intrigued by the second one that I’ve only just started translating.


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