
Every Time I Say Goodbye. Goodbye Dad.

Hi all:

I had another post prepared for today but I’ve decided to leave it for next week.

As some of you might remember, my post last Tuesday was about prostate cancer and trying to impress on everybody (men and their partners, loved ones) the importance of regular check-ups, particularly at a certain age. I mentioned my Dad’s case. Thanks to everybody for the support and comments. Some people who might have visited the post later on during the week will already know that unfortunately my father (Ubaldo) died last Thursday.

My parent's wedding picture
My parent’s wedding picture

I don’t have a scanner here so the picture is not very good (and also, like my father, I’ve never been any good at pictures), but just wanted to share something.

I might tell you more things about him at some point (he liked to tell stories and wherever he went he’d always be the one people would father around listening to his stories). He wanted to be a pilot but ended up driving coaches most of his life. He loved cycling and football, and he was a fan of Celta de Vigo first and Football Club Barcelona, second. He hated hospitals and could never understand how I became a doctor (although he was proud of it). And he was from Paradaseca, Ourense (in Galicia, North of Spain) although he spent most of his adult life in Barcelona.

Here one of the loves of his life (together with my mother):

My father's bicycle
My father’s bicycle

Bye. Here thinking of you.

By olganm

I am a language teacher, writer, bookworm, and collaborator at Sants 3 Ràdio (a local radio station in Barcelona, where I returned in 2018), who lived in the UK for 25 years and worked for many years as a forensic psychiatrist there. I also have a Ph.D. in American Literature and an MSc in Criminology. I started publishing my stories, in English and Spanish, in 2012 and now have over twenty books available in a variety of genres, a blog (in English and Spanish), and translate books for other authors (English-Spanish and vice versa). In 2020 obtained the CELTA certificate as a language teacher, and offer Spanish and English classes. Writers and readers both in English and Spanish are my friends, colleagues, and allies, and after living in the UK for over twenty-five years, have returned home, to Barcelona, Spain, searching for inspiration for my stories. I also love owls and try to keep fit following fitness YouTube videos.
Do feel free to connect with me. Here are:
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69 replies on “Every Time I Say Goodbye. Goodbye Dad.”

Querida, Olga, qué palabras tan cariñosas y qué recuerdos tan bonitos de tu padre. A veces los hombres se resisten a ir a los hospitales, algo incomprensible, pero es así, y lo sé por experiencia. La foto es bellísima ambos lo son, pues la belleza de nuestros seres amados nunca se acaba, ni con la muerte, Espero se encuentre ahora paseando en bicicleta por los caminos de Dios. Un beso muy cariñoso Olga, un fuerte abrazo.


Olga, those were nice choices for something to share. You said your dad drove a coach — mine drove trucks. I think they would have liked each other. Who knows, maybe they’re getting acquainted. 🙂
In deepest sympathy,
Hugs my friend.


Thanks Teagan. I’m sure there should be no problems communicating wherever they are. They might be driving around together or going for a tour. Be well and hugs.


Dear Olga very sorry to hear about your father. May he rest in peace. He seemed like a wonderful person full of life. Thanks for sharing. Wish could do something to help in your loss


Thanks Natasha. You’re very kind. It’s difficult to know what to say, even for me but I just wanted to mark it somehow. And to share with all the kind people who’re accompanying me in my blogging journey. Be well.


I missed the other post but want you to know I’m sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is one of those watershed moments as they have been part of your life since the beginning. You will feel the grief and yet a thankful feeling your parent was not put in a position to bear the grief for you.


Sending you a great deal of love and a massive hug. On a cheerier note, what a gorgeous photo!


Thanks Cate. Before people have cameras they had fewer photos but mostly professionally taken. There is a charm to these old photos, and I always thought my parents made a very handsome couple. One wonders what went wrong!


Darling Olga, there are few occasions in life worse than losing a parent. No matter our age or our ability to cope it hits us and often hard. I ope the funeral went well and good stories were shared of this exceptional man who brought forth an exceptional daughter. If you need to lean, your friends are here to support you, and you know that rel friendships form here, not just fleeting ones. You are love.
xxx Massive Hugs xxx.


Thanks David. Yes, indeed I consider the blogging community my other family, that’s why I decided to share, as I knew you could not be with us. The funeral went well (I think) and it was a chance to reunite with friends and family that had not shared experiences for many years. Although busy it was an overall positive experience. I’m sure my Dad would have had plenty of stories to tell if he had been there, although those went around still. I hope you had a good birthday David.


I loved the choice of the old photo, and the much-loved cycle. Poignant yet positive memories of your Father. I lost my Mum in 2012, and still think of her every day of course. On Sunday, one of my oldest friends died unexpectedly, aged 73. As we grow older we may anticipate these events in our lives, but nothing really prepares us for how to cope with them.
Warm greetings from Norfolk as always. Pete.


Thanks Pete. Sorry to hear about your friend. Rationally we know it’s going to happen but nothing quite prepares it for it. My regards to you also and sorry for your loss.


That is a lovely picture taken of your parent’s wedding. How wonderful you still have your mother with you, and the two of you can support each other in your sorrow and rememer your father together. What grand memories you have from all those years. Again, so sorry for your loss and much love and sympathy. — Suzanne


Olga, what can I say? Words never seem enough at times like this, just know that I’m thinking of you and your family at this time.


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