
Felices Navidades to amigos, lectores, blogueros y a todos.

Hola a todos.

Ya sé que se nos echan las fiestas encima y todos tenemos mucho que hacer, así que solo quería aprovechar para desearos:

Feliz Navidad a vosotros y vuestras familias
Feliz Navidad a vosotros y vuestras familias

Gracias a todos por leer, compartir, darle al me gusta, por los posts que me han hecho reír, llorar, pensar, por el apoyo, por los comentarios, por hacer clic  y por estar ahí y ser tan fantásticos. Y no os preocupéis por hacer clic ni nada de lo demás, simplemente disfrutad las fiestas a vuestra manera y compartid el cariño con los que están a vuestro alrededor y haced algo bonito por alguien (y sobretodo quereos mucho, que lo merecéis).

¡Nos vemos!

By olganm

I am a language teacher, writer, bookworm, and collaborator at Sants 3 Ràdio (a local radio station in Barcelona, where I returned in 2018), who lived in the UK for 25 years and worked for many years as a forensic psychiatrist there. I also have a Ph.D. in American Literature and an MSc in Criminology. I started publishing my stories, in English and Spanish, in 2012 and now have over twenty books available in a variety of genres, a blog (in English and Spanish), and translate books for other authors (English-Spanish and vice versa). In 2020 obtained the CELTA certificate as a language teacher, and offer Spanish and English classes. Writers and readers both in English and Spanish are my friends, colleagues, and allies, and after living in the UK for over twenty-five years, have returned home, to Barcelona, Spain, searching for inspiration for my stories. I also love owls and try to keep fit following fitness YouTube videos.
Do feel free to connect with me. Here are:
My website/blog:

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